Anyone running nitrous on an APEX?


New member
Sep 16, 2010
St. Boni MN
Just picked up a kit for my sled a few months ago and wondering if any other members are using a boondocker kit on their sled. Yay or nay?

Have it on my wife's new ride. Not a boondocker's kit though. Haven't used it yet as we picked the sled up in mid March and had no snow to play on anymore. Guy I bought it from seemed to like it though.
pm nos pro on the 4 stroke side. he has a lot of experience. you should be posting this on the 4 stroke side anyway.
Turk said:
pm nos pro on the 4 stroke side. he has a lot of experience. you should be posting this on the 4 stroke side anyway.

Will PM him later thanks! Also just created a name on the 4 stroke site... dumb question but why are they separate? :dunno:
Ryan B said:
Have it on my wife's new ride. Not a boondocker's kit though. Haven't used it yet as we picked the sled up in mid March and had no snow to play on anymore. Guy I bought it from seemed to like it though.

Its coming... Have to line em up maybe? :D Just want to see if anyone has some maps for how to set it up for different fuel and jet levels...
JoesYamaha said:
dumb question but why are they separate? :dunno:

Two different forum software means two different databases. There's other little reasons but it boils down to being easier to ask guys to register at two (if they're inclined) than deal with merging the DB's.
