is a 136 speed track fully closed good for ice drags and what are the goods and bads of it. it has no windows. just clips.
Active member
Yes, they are great for straight line stuff. I run closed window tracks, and they work great, and you end up with less rotating mass than with open window tracks. I think you made a mistake about the clips though......I have never seen a closed window track with clips. They are meant to just run sliders.
u are right valin there is no clips can this track be run with a 136 wahl ice suspension. and i will be using 10 tooth drivers. this will be used on ice only.valin said:Yes, they are great for straight line stuff. I run closed window tracks, and they work great, and you end up with less rotating mass than with open window tracks. I think you made a mistake about the clips though......I have never seen a closed window track with clips. They are meant to just run sliders.
IMO, So far Mike Bailey's Polaris is the only sled that I have seen make a closed window track work on ice. Everyone else runs open window on ice. Most race both ice and grass. If they had any luck with closed window on ice they would save the time and cash and run closed window for both.
How much hp would have allot to do with it also.
How much hp would have allot to do with it also.