02 viper carbs freezing up


New member
Nov 24, 2003
hey guys quick question.... Twice last winter I had a problem starting my viper. I had the heated carbs on but still after riding in snowy conditions had problems with carbs freezing up... any ideas? I have heard there is a fuel pump mod that can be done. Dont want to have tape of the screens every time it snows... please help me out.
Iced Carbs.

hey about your carb probs. Two things
(1) You may have water in your fuel. Most stores sells an additive that you put in your tank. Gas line Antifreeze helps to.
(2) page 38 and 40 of the Dec issue of SnowTech magazine talks about when to use the carb heaters. Turn them on when the temp is below 0 celc. Riding in deep Dry powder snow and while following to close to another rider. Mabe try adjusting your air jets as well, the yammy triples are famous for this problem especially in the small pilot air circuits.
Hope this helps.

