gearing for extended track


New member
Mar 23, 2009
im extending my shorty viper to a 144x2 with 8t anitratching drivers. what gears would be best suited with the new setup? should i just go with stock viper mountain gearing?? what is that anyways?

Also, now that i have those new drivers, do I have to:

1.) fully clip the track i have (currently track is clipped every other one)
2.) is a polaris track the same pitch as a yamaha track??

you going out west to ride?

would like to know more info where your going to be riding at. you will needs lots of extra wheels for trail riding or you will burn the hyfax off in 100 miles with a 2 inch lug

poo tracks and yamaha tracks will interchange no problem.. the newer mtn yamaha have 3 pitch 7 tooth drivers

you need a fully clipped track to run antiratchets
mtn viper gearing is a good place to start, depending on riding style and altitude if you have to buy gears, i would take that into consideration. for western riding, 19/42 or 19/40. i think 20/40 was stock. polaris and yamaha tracks are interchangable in the 144 length. polaris and doo also have 2.86 pitch tracks in a 146", so be sure of what your getting
When i was living out in wa state 20/40 was perfect with 9 tooth drivers. worked very good at baker/watson
i ride mostly Far up in the UP. porccupine mountains. but im also heading to winter park CO this year.

What do you mean by extra wheels???
did not know where your going to ride your sled at with that setup. Trail riding is tough on hyfay with a tall lug track seeing you are in michigan, extra wheel kits eliminate the problem.

Colorado will be fun with a long track. Im sure you will have a great time out there
If you dont want to run wheels, scratchers are another option. I run only the two front wheels and scratchers on my 162x2.25 here in the U.P., and have not had problems burning hyfax yet.

I have been running 21/40 and 20/40 gearing. This year i am going to try going 19/40.
I've been running no wheels and scratchers for years now here in MN with a 2" track. Just have to pay attention is all. Gear it right around 2-1 corrected. That way it will still pull a decent speed when playing in the ditches, lakes, trails in the midwest and will work fine out west.
with 8 tooth drivers, the stock 22/38 gears will be a 1.94 ratio

if you to a 21/38 it will be a 2.04 ratio.
IN MY OPINION-Dont Waste Your Money On Wheels (adds Weight And You Might Still Have Cooling Issues), Put Some Scratchers On And Ride It. Alot Of People Run Only The Front Two Wheels Right At The Bend, And Scratchers Just Behind That.
Gear chart with 8 tooth drivers

sounds like 20/40 gearing and ice scratchers are the way to go, thanks for the help everyone.
20/40 gearing with 8 tooth drivers will be way too deep of gears. Use your stock gears, the 8 tooth drivers will already reduce the gear ratio, look at the gearing chart posted.
I run a 144 with the stock gears ( 22/38 ) and 8T drivers instead of the stock 9T, and really like it. Really works well off-trail in the deep stuff.
