XL-V 540 questions...


Dec 20, 2006
So I got an 87 XL-V 540 for free from my brother in law last year and I want to ride it this year.

Sooo here's my questions;

#1- Clutching... Does anyone have a good clutching set up for this machine and

#2- Rail extensions.. will the older phazer mountain lite rail extensions fit on the rear skid in this thing?

I'm grafting a pogo stick front end to the machine from another one that was also given to me for free but has seen much better days. I basically want to make this thing kind of an old school bush riding beast that will occasionally see a trail here and there.
look up clucthing and gearing for a similar year SRV. any yamaha compatable rail extensions will work. your limited to track lug height based on the drivers. anything 1" or less will clear with the stock drivers.
Thanks! 1" or less hey... looked like there was a lot more room than that in the tunnel... I might just have to count the number of teeth on the drivers... maybe the PO put smaller ones in...
