I wanna buy some things for my SRX


New member
Oct 22, 2009
Among some of the things I want to buy for the SRX is Belts, plugs and oil- all of which I know where I can get them.

I also want to buy a tinted windshield and the "shock covers" that say Yamaha on them for the front shocks- where would be the best place for those- i briefly looked through my "online parts catalog" for my sled but didnt see them. I also need a cover- i would prefer a genuine Yamaha cover for the SRX vs a universal (unless you guys say different)- Any ideas?

I currently have this windscreen

I want something like this

I know over next summer I will be on the lookout for a Ohlins front set up as well as I like how they look on the sled
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check TTY classifeds for those they're all there just have to search for them
you've got the medium Yamaha windshield by the looks of it. the other has the stock low black one which you should be able to find used somehwere. it is totaly useless on the trails but to each his own. i took that low one off and added the medium Yamaha one but i painted mine black from the inside with a rattle can of black auto bumper paint(less then $10), looks great. i did not like what was available aftermarket (cheap and thinner and didn't like the colours) so i did my own because i wanted something all black.

as for a cover you can either go Yamaha if you can find one or go aftermarket like SKINZ proctective gear, sno Xpro (not sure on the spelling) and get one for half the price and it does a better job because these covers go over the skies, spindles and trailing arms.;)!
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I have two extra sets of Ohlin's front shocks for a SRX with shock extensions for longer travel if you need a set. Shocks are like new. Don't buy Ohlins for looks though, buy them for the ride quality. hman
Anyone know where I can get the wrench that compresses the front shocks?
