idle problem on cpr piped viper


VIP Member
Jun 25, 2003
sask. canada
just insatlled thge pipes and head mod last night,not sire if its a problem yet, i forgot my main jets at work but wanted to hear it run, instakked the pilots and st the needles, 47.5 and 47.5 and 50 pilots , needlles are ste to jeffs specs, i installed my micuni remote fuel scre adjusters, i had to hear wat it sounded like, and it wont idle very well, it runs out of fuel, i choke it a bit and it runs, does having the 155 mains hurt it or is it maybe the fuel screw adjustewr wrong taper, they are the mikuni ones and they worked in my sxr fine, i am going ti install my mains tonight and see if that makes a difference, after i installed them i am wondering why i am doing this already and never even drove the thing yet, already tuning carbs and never turned the track. i aope its something simple,whats your thoughts? thanks sist

mine are out 2 1/2 also, but i still wonder about the remote fuel screw they are mikuni adjusters and you change the whole needle out? i am going out tonight and il compare
learned a good lesson, just because the pilot jet were new did not mean they were good,they had an obstruction on the 47.5 pilots, go figure, works now.Waiting for the clutch kit to show up
Good catch sxrsist! thanks for letting us know that new dosen't mean it's good to go. seen that with plugs and ignition boxes also.
