Suspension wheel replacement


New member
Jan 10, 2008
I started to get the sled ready for winter and want to change the bearings/wheels at the center top(the larger ones) in the rear suspension. Are they pressed on? Can I use a wheel puller to get them off or will it break the wheels? Also are the bearings replaceable, or do I have to replace the wheels? Replacing.. can i just pound them back on? using a socket or something or do i need to take the suspension in someplace to have them pressed on? Thanks in advanced, and think snow!!!

If I remember right they come off with little effort, they are not really pressed on I believe. The bearings should be replaceable on their own. You might even be able to do this without dropping the whole skid. Just take the 4 rear bolts out and let the W arm stay in place.
I have the skid out, since i noticed a slight crack in the W part, so welding that. But I din't notice any c-clips front or back of the wheels to get them off, they may not be pressed on, maybe just seized on. Never taken them off before, so could be that.
believe the clip is on the inside of wheel to release wheel from shaft,,, may be hard to see..
I looked and didn't see any clips on either side, I am at a loss.... I hate to put a wheel puller on it and snap the wheel, when I can just replace the bearings. Any other ideas? No one changed them on an 02 viper before? Thanks
PurePower - You are right on the money as there is nothing holding the bearing to the shaft. Pound them on and pound em off. You can press them too.
Purepower they are all right. Some Wheels can be removed from the bearing making it easy to get a puller on the bearing to get it off. Your dont have this. Some did, some dont. Dont know which ones do or dont but easy to tell. Circlip replaceable bearings, no clip not. Easy way to get them off is a 2x4 and a hand sledge. Place wood on one end of shaft and give it a few good wacks. It will come off. I changed mine out to the wheels with replaceable bearings. CCC
