Viper spindles on 2002 MMax?


May 17, 2003
Lockport, Manitoba. Canada
I'm looking to raise the nose of my MMax an inch or two... Can I use Viper Spindles?.. I was going to keep my own trailing arms on but have bushings machined to occupy the extra length...

Will my stabalizer bar and linkages work with this set up? Thanks TJ..
i dont see why you couldnt as long as you machined the bushing to fit inside the mm trailing arm bushing where the spindle goes though the arm. i wonder if there would be a weak point on the bottom of the spindle from not being supported from the t-arm? the other issue is you would need viper steering arms because they are different.

i am not sure whether the sway bar will bolt up or not, i know the mounts are a bit different.
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I wanted to use aluminum spacers but i found some steel thickwalled tubing for free and had a buddy cut it on a lathe. it ended up being too short so i used some shims from home depot to fine tune the height. You could also just use viper trailing arms, but this was cheaper. You will also need viper steering arms as the splines are different.


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so thats just a spacer added at the bottom with no welds, sleaves or any type of permanent attachment? essentially a steel tube with same inside and outside diameter as the stock head tube? and you havent had any issues? you just made my day. i way overthought that process.
the wall thickness of the tubing is slightley thicker than the stock tubing so the bushing in the trailing arm just sits on the extension. I prolbably have 3000km on this mod with no problems
if TJ500 is still around on the site,could you maybe let us know if and how this mod worked for you.I see you are a local guy from Manitoba.Looks like a nice easy mod,just to find a right size tube and being able to install a bushing in the bottom for spindle to sit tight.I am thinking the bottom extension would shift around since it is not welded or attached to the upright tube.I probably would wiggle because the shaft in the middle is a little smaller diameter then the ends of the shaft.But one can slice alittle of the bushing at that point and shim with metal strip to get the bushing to squeeze the shaft at that point..
bluemonster1 said:
if TJ500 is still around on the site,could you maybe let us know if and how this mod worked for you.I see you are a local guy from Manitoba.Looks like a nice easy mod,just to find a right size tube and being able to install a bushing in the bottom for spindle to sit tight.I am thinking the bottom extension would shift around since it is not welded or attached to the upright tube.I probably would wiggle because the shaft in the middle is a little smaller diameter then the ends of the shaft.But one can slice alittle of the bushing at that point and shim with metal strip to get the bushing to squeeze the shaft at that point..

If you were having it done at a machine shop seems like the could reproduce the shoulder of the spindle into the spacer. Maybe drill and tap so you could run a bolt threw the plate part of the spindle into th spacer making it one peice. Seems easier than welding and could be taken apart and put back into a viper arm if need be.
blue..... I only wish I could tell you how this mod turned out, but, I'm ashamed to say I haven't yet got around to completing it... Splindles are still in a box on the bench... The last couple of years I haven't had much time near my sleds as I've been busy with other less recreational, challenges... If you get this finished, please post back here with results and pictures as my sled still ploughs snow and dives horribly.... TJ
I have a full set of viper trailing arms/spindles waiting to go on my mountain max this fall. I will have a full update as I'm also doing a track replacement going to a 151" challenger 2.
Batwolf, This is the post I was talking about. Changing all of it (don't think Viper shock will bolt onto XTC) is better but this could be a cheaper alternative.
Great info Devil, appreciate you digging this thread up. So Viper shocks wouldn't bolt up to my bulkhead or is it that Viper shocks won't bolt up to my XTC spindles? Haha, actually you don't have to answer that. I'll swap parts from my Viper to test this. I love the mod idea.
Everything will interchange but it depends on your upper bulkhead mount on the shocks. The later sleds use the fork mount upper shock, even though the parts diagram shows an eye mount on my mountain Max. Investigate the upper mount on your shock to see. You have to adjust the tie rods because the clocking is different on the viper arms but other than that just bolt on and go.
Well, I can use Viper shocks for the ole XTC because the bulkhead utilizes the fork mount for shocks. I'm stoked! Already reached out to katkiller since he just recently posted a full set of Viper take-off shocks for sale.
