Normal set in.


Super Moderator
Sep 15, 2003
Freeland & Otsego lake, MI
Searched and learned a lot actually, but cant find normal set in for sled with no rider. How much set in should their be with no weight on sled. I followed BTV to a T for rebuild and su for both vipers. But still trying to dial in the 02. Only thing that does not seem right is the amount of set in with no rider weight. What is normal, i get about 2-3 inches. Just looking to see if this is right. Cant use my 04 for ref because im running ohlins in the rear. CCC

The skid should be all the way up with no rider on and 50/50 control rod gap top and bottom with the regular rider aboard.The proaction is all about control rod gap more than sit in or sag.
Thats what i was thinking with the sag and no rider. Its hard to test without snow but ill try to increase the preload in the rear shock and see how it sits. I dont think the shocks are bad just a bad tunner (me) LOL. CCC
Are you doing this with the fra or on the spring itself?Alot of times you can get it where you want it with the fra which is much easier than trying to adjust that spring.
Doing both. No preload on center, stock on rear with Fra at center. Moved fra to stiff and gets me to 50/50 with rider weight. Seems a bit stiff but like i said hard to tell without riding. Might have to let it sit till snow flies.
Super1c I see you started W/ no prelod on center and stock for the rear. What is the stock pre load for the rear I will be doing this soon and thanks.
Skid shocks, the center is 203mm-215mm with 213mm being standard. Rear is 358mm to 370mm with 368 being standard. Front ski shock is 250mm-263mm with 260mm being standard. Stock limiter is 25mm from bracket to end of bolt showing. This is from tip to tip of spring with no load on skid or front. Then longer=softer, shorter=harder. Ive read till my eyes were bleeding and from BTV start with no preload on center, FRA by weight, (lower stiff, upper soft). Then adjust rear spring preload till gap is 50/50 with rider weight. I did rebuild both skid per BTV also, if i remember you did also right? If not i recommend it. Very cheap and easy. Fine tunning will have to be done on snow for sure. CCC
Yup I followed BTV thread and this is the next stage. If I'm reading this right you did no preload on the center shock as BTV recommended then you adjusted the rear shock preload until the gap was 50/50 correct? So right now you have no preload on the center and some on the rear. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Verry good just checking I will be doing the same. I'm just waiting for the berring's for the center shock to come in to finish BTV skid rebuild.
Freeland is by Saginaw, Midland, Baycity area. I'm lucky as i do most my riding from my front yard. We ride the river with depending on snow some ditch banging mixed in. About a 70mi trip with a couple of watering holes mixed in. A hole days fun and still sleeping in your own bed. The own bed part is big with the wife and daughter. We also have a place in oscoda and ride when the snow permits. Great trails just have had no snow last couple of years. Made the UP last year and had a blast. Maybe we can hook up for a ride this winter? CCC
Nice looking trails up harrisville way by looking at the map. Never been up that far yet. Only been as far a glennie. Will have to hook up for sure for a ride. CCC
