97 500 XTC clutching..attn Vmaxjohn or anyone that can help!


New member
Oct 6, 2003
Upstate NY
Ok, just to get everyone that can help to the point I am at. I did my clutching like John recommended. 47/41 Dalton, stock springs, 2.4 in both holes. My first try on this I had the secondary at 80#. This showed a big time noticable difference but I was reving at 8000. To try to get the R's down I dropped the secondary to 70#. I just went out and tested it at that setting and I am still peaking out a 8000 RPM. I ran the sled around 30 MPH and nailed it. I get a slight hesitation but as soon as it backshifts it lifts the ski's off the ground and goes like a banshee (another Yammy term!). A boatload more midrange than I ever had. Anyway, my question is, how can I get the R's down to 7700? Should I drop my secondary to 60#? Possibly this might take away the slight hesitation too? I'm open to all suggestions. So far I am very pleased with this set up. Just need to get my R's down where they belong.
Thank Turk for that set up, and me for the fine tuning details, hehe.

Sounds like you've got an issue with your belt possibly. I'm sure it's possible that your motor is running stronger than most, even mine, but I would break a new belt in easy and see how it works. My set up is for the 8dg belt, pretty soft but very reliable in these sleds.

Setting the secondary at 60* will make the secondary shift up quicker, but you'll lose backshift at the same time. If you're on grass, there's not much resistance like you'll get in snow either...might not want to tune for that condition exclusively.

Hows your belt deflection? Once the sled and motor are stopped, open the clutch cover and see how high the belt rides in the secondary, should be within a milimeter or 2 of the sheave edges...post what you find.

I'm glad you see a big difference!
I'm running a 8cj belt. Its nearly new. About 100 miles on it. I swapped out the belts last ride last year. Maybe I'm getting belt slippage? Deflection is good. My biggest concern is the risk of popping the engine. You think running at 8000RPM I should be alright? I guess I'll try it for a little and see what happens. I was testing it on about 2 inches of snow so I'm sure the studs were still hooking into the grass pretty good. Its getting donated to the wife when tax time comes so I need it to last!
