New member
i know that the belt thing has been up here hundreds of times... but why are these so expensive?
are they any good?
if not does anyone know where i could order a yamaha belt online?
and what part #?
i am not near any dealers until i go up north to ride...
are they any good?
if not does anyone know where i could order a yamaha belt online?
and what part #?
i am not near any dealers until i go up north to ride...
jr graham --$84.00 for that belt (stick with stock yamaha belt) wait till you go up north,,,, save on shipping........
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New member
The Yamaha part number is 8DN-17641-01-00. $54 plus shipping from Stay with the OEM belts, they are by far the best belts to use.
TY supporter has them for that price as well:
that's what I paid plus shipping.Still way cheaper then buying it from a dealer here in Canada.I buy all my stuff from the US now. Now I wish I can buy your gas down there and ship it back to us for your price.Premium here now is about $1.06 a liter.($4.81/gallon) a steal for now..prices will go up soon enough.That is about $48 a tank full.Was paying up to $60 a few season's I take a hit on the fuel,but won't get taken on the parts pricing up here....