anyone own a 450 kodiak


New member
Dec 30, 2008
Sault Ste Marie
i bought it new last year but i have been having an issue trying to find where a "rattle" is coming from when driving. between 35-45 km/hr (25mph ish) a rattle/vibration noise comes from the bike. if i give it gas it goes away. anyone have any ideas? i have checked for loose bolts, taped the winch and leads but the sound is still there. had it in under warranty but they couldn't find the problem. it doesn't affect performance at all its just annoying. anyone else ever have this this issue?

i will post this on the atv forum once i get myaccount activated

thanks for the help
not sure how bad the rattle is but make sure all ur plastics r snapped in tight or else they will rattle. Heard of that before. Budy was the same way, they looked at everything but come to find out it was simple an was a plastic piece lose. Just a thought
As much as I hate to admit it I have a Cat ATV.
Every once in a while I get a weird rattle, exactly like you describe.
Mine is from an exhaust shield that seems to shake loose every once in while.
M-Max said:
As much as I hate to admit it I have a Cat ATV.
Every once in a while I get a weird rattle, exactly like you describe.
Mine is from an exhaust shield that seems to shake loose every once in while.

Ditto. I have a 660 Grizz and the same thing happened to me, only the bolts were not loose. Don't know if the heat shield got bent/distorted over time or what happened. Took it off and added some extra washers between the shield and bolt head and noise went away.
My 700 Grizzly also had a rattle at the heat shield only mine where springs down by my left leg. I also had one with a small rock or welding slag inside the front rack. Plastics can really rattle.
