I want to clear up a few things...


New member
Oct 25, 2005
Sycamore, IL
It has been brought to my attention that a a couple members on TY feel like I had bad dealings with them....

First is with Mopar1rules:

Josh was in the market for an SRX last fall. I told him a friend had a nice clean 2001 SRX that I was bringing to Haydays, and I also had a very nice 2000 SRX to bring. Josh found us at Haydays, looked over both sleds and chose to buy my friends 2001 instead of mine. Totally cool lwith me as it was 1 less sled to bring home with us. Well fast forward, I get a nasty Pm from Josh later that the sled had a tempaflow or something in the airbox, the heads had been cut, and coolant cap or something was stripped and he is upset with ME over this. I just told him that he didn't buy my sled, he bought my friends sled. Had he bought mine, I would have stood behind it 100% but he didn't. So, I am being accused of having misdealing with him because of a sled that I didn't sell or benefit from at all. Does this sound fair to me?

Next is with Tomseal6:

I got a call from a former TY member that he was working on Tomseals sled and needed a cylinder to get finished up. I took a few cylinders with me and made the drive of over an hour 1 way to help out. The cylinder they chose was from a 98 and needed to be ported to match the 2001 they were putting together. I was told that wasn't a problem and Tomseal6 wrote me a check for the part and off I went. They got done with the rebuild and test and tuning and the sled ran great from what I am told. Tom proceeded to tell the builder that he had NO MONEY to pay for the parts and work that had just been done. So, the builder bought the sled in the condition that it came in. Put it up for sale to recoup the parts and labor money he had invested in the build. Tomseal6 is now feeling like he was shafted out of his sled and that I am some sort of partner with the builder. They called me Monday and asked me to tear up the check that I was given, but it was too late as I had already deposited it in the bank! So, I am being accused of having bad dealings with Tomseal6 as well. When in fact I was only a supplier of a part they needed to get the sled finished. I am a friend of the builder, and I have had and will continue to have dealings with him as I have no reason not to!

I just wanted to get the whole story out to anyone who may be interested in what is flying around on TY. I have talked with Tom, the owner of TY about these exact events just as I have noted them above. I don't believe I have ever shafted, or taken advantage of anyone on this website. I have been a member for 5 years or so, and my previous reputation means more to me than screwing over fellow snowmobilers and TY members. I hope this clears up any questions anyone may have.

Chris Lay
I read your notes Chris, I think you did nothing wrong.....Hope all gets clear out...

I had deal with Chris many many times, he was one of the first ones I bought parts on this site and never never had an issue, he is a stand up guy and a consider him my friend......

I think Tom and Mopar1rules need to post their story and hash this out here. I do not want another Back On Blue issue nor do I have the time to take sides..... please do not call me with your problems, take legal action if need be on your own.
Viperlover, You really think I went over to your buddies house with no money and expected him to rebuilt my motor for FREE SERIOUSLY?????? You were told that I didnt have that much because your partner in chrime wanted over $2000 for the repairs

Its really funny how you deposited the check for the parts I paid for after you told your buddy that you would shred the check after you found out he was keeping the sled... It amazes me that you never contacted me when the check did not clear because I called my bank that same day to cancel the check....

You drove over an hour? Really, I remember driving to your place only for you to try selling me junk IE garbage cylinder and I really loved how you 2 were adding up the parts cost milking it for as much as you could get

Also, That sled was still in PIECES in your buddies garage when he told me how much it was going to be. If yous realliy think I was going to pay over $2000 for a rebuild I would have taken it to the dealer where I would get treated fairy or just parted the sled out on my own and started over.. COMMON SENSE

Bottom line, The both of you's are CROOKS!!!
Same here. Chris went out of his way to help me a couple times. (I was not ignoring your calls about the clutch parts Chris I've been workin like hell! :) ) He sold me a set of Rox Treads a year ago at a swap meet for an amazing price and now I have an oh so desirable part for my sled. I think that you should take a step back here Tom, not to stir the pot, but I looked over numerous parts of Chris's and he only has been selling GOOD used parts. Common sense would tell you you cannot put a used head from a different motor and just slap a set of rings and a piston and here ya go. No two engines are alike, similar yes, but inside is a different ball game... Not tryin to be a jerk, just saying in Chris's defense he is no crook, and definitely not a moron when it comes to sled parts...
SXRider7Hundo said:
Same here. Chris went out of his way to help me a couple times. (I was not ignoring your calls about the clutch parts Chris I've been workin like hell! :) ) He sold me a set of Rox Treads a year ago at a swap meet for an amazing price and now I have an oh so desirable part for my sled. I think that you should take a step back here Tom, not to stir the pot, but I looked over numerous parts of Chris's and he only has been selling GOOD used parts. Common sense would tell you you cannot put a used head from a different motor and just slap a set of rings and a piston and here ya go. No two engines are alike, similar yes, but inside is a different ball game... Not tryin to be a jerk, just saying in Chris's defense he is no crook, and definitely not a moron when it comes to sled parts...

so, i can't take a 8dn-10 head from a '01 srx being parted out and put that same head on my '01 srx??? i believe i can. also, i have a buddy that bought a used cyl/piston/rings off of ebay for his daughters '97 sx700 to repair it, and it workd just fine w/the used parts.
Viperlover said:
It has been brought to my attention that a a couple members on TY feel like I had bad dealings with them....

First is with Mopar1rules:

Josh was in the market for an SRX last fall. I told him a friend had a nice clean 2001 SRX that I was bringing to Haydays, and I also had a very nice 2000 SRX to bring. Josh found us at Haydays, looked over both sleds and chose to buy my friends 2001 instead of mine. Totally cool lwith me as it was 1 less sled to bring home with us. Well fast forward, I get a nasty Pm from Josh later that the sled had a tempaflow or something in the airbox, the heads had been cut, and coolant cap or something was stripped and he is upset with ME over this. I just told him that he didn't buy my sled, he bought my friends sled. Had he bought mine, I would have stood behind it 100% but he didn't. So, I am being accused of having misdealing with him because of a sled that I didn't sell or benefit from at all. Does this sound fair to me?

Next is with Tomseal6:

I got a call from a former TY member that he was working on Tomseals sled and needed a cylinder to get finished up. I took a few cylinders with me and made the drive of over an hour 1 way to help out. The cylinder they chose was from a 98 and needed to be ported to match the 2001 they were putting together. I was told that wasn't a problem and Tomseal6 wrote me a check for the part and off I went. They got done with the rebuild and test and tuning and the sled ran great from what I am told. Tom proceeded to tell the builder that he had NO MONEY to pay for the parts and work that had just been done. So, the builder bought the sled in the condition that it came in. Put it up for sale to recoup the parts and labor money he had invested in the build. Tomseal6 is now feeling like he was shafted out of his sled and that I am some sort of partner with the builder. They called me Monday and asked me to tear up the check that I was given, but it was too late as I had already deposited it in the bank! So, I am being accused of having bad dealings with Tomseal6 as well. When in fact I was only a supplier of a part they needed to get the sled finished. I am a friend of the builder, and I have had and will continue to have dealings with him as I have no reason not to!

I just wanted to get the whole story out to anyone who may be interested in what is flying around on TY. I have talked with Tom, the owner of TY about these exact events just as I have noted them above. I don't believe I have ever shafted, or taken advantage of anyone on this website. I have been a member for 5 years or so, and my previous reputation means more to me than screwing over fellow snowmobilers and TY members. I hope this clears up any questions anyone may have.

Chris Lay

when you pm'ed me about that '01 srx, you were saying it was "yours" and not your buddies. and you were the one sending me the pics of it in the email. never did you say it was your buddies (chuck) sled, until i found problems w/the sled after purchase, and then came back to you telling you what i found. if the sled was your buddies, then why didn't you just say up front, "here's my buddies number, you gotta talk it over w/him?" or why wasn't HE the one sending me the pics of the sled. your buddy chuck told me and my friend that was w/me at haydays, that the power valves were just gone thru and that the sled was ready to go for the winter season. when i got home and tore the sled down for porting, i found water in the pipes, 2 of the 3 power valves pulled thru, water in crankcase, water in oil lines and oil pump, bad center connecting rod, stripped coolant bottle top, clutch components changed, and cut heads. sled was suppose to be stock. i knew about the tempa flow, as i could easily see that. then when i told you about these problems i found, you told me it's not your sled and that i should have looked it over better. what did you want me to do??......start tearing the power valves out in the middle of the swap meet at haydays, where i bought the sled, to verify that what your buddy told me was correct?? c'mon. i was simply trusting you and your buddy chuck, that your word was the truth and honest, and i learned that neither you nor chuck can be trusted. for all i know your buddy bill gohr (800) could have pieced this sled together too, right before selling it to me. also, i think if tomseal bought a new '09 nytro sled, that he would have had the $2000 to repair his srx.......c'mon. don't go saying he didn't have the money. there is also 1 more TY member that will be coming forward about his bad dealings w/you viperlover (chris). as soon as he's back from a business trip, he'll be posting. anyhow, i'm done arguing here. just thought this news needed to be brought to the table, as i was brought aware of 2 more members being screwed over by chris. i thought maybe i was the only one, but apparently not. i don't want to see anyone else getting taken advantage of.
Josh, Chuck didn't have a computer nor a Ty account and thats why I sent you the pics. I never ever said the sled was mine, and who did you talk to about the sled at Haydays? Me? No, you talked to Chuck, and you cut the deal with him, and paid him in person. How does that deal come back on me as mine? Cmon dude, gimme a break. You guys are all putting me and Bill together as partners in some kind of grand scheme to screw people out of $ and parts. I have bought stuff from Bill, and sold a few things to him and now magically we are partners in crime. I have no partnership with Bill, but I will continue to buy from him, and sell him things if he needs them. As far as your friend on the business trip... If he has a problem with me or parts I sold him just have him call me in person and we can work out whatever his problem is that I am not aware of. If he needs my number, tell him to PM me and I will call him or forward my number to him to call me at his convenience.
Wow!!! I thought tomseal6 was some sort of Yamaha guru/expert. Now I find out he doesn't even work on his own sled? That he got took????

Baffling. Maybe I'm a fool and have no grasp of literary comprehention?? Maybe I should reread my own mind to see if it is working properly.

HMMMMM. Anywho, whilst I'm doing that you can read this thread (might take a week) and tell me what's going on here. Guru/expert, or some poor guy that got stiffed by a pair of (as he says) "CROOKS".



PS. I don't know anyone involved here but will say this.

If you don't know what you're buying, what you're selling, who you're listening to or who you're dealing with. Stop doing whatever you're doing to get yourself in trouble cuz I'm tired of hearing about it.
opsled said:
Wow!!! I thought tomseal6 was some sort of Yamaha guru/expert. Now I find out he doesn't even work on his own sled? That he got took????

Baffling. Maybe I'm a fool and have no grasp of literary comprehention?? Maybe I should reread my own mind to see if it is working properly.

HMMMMM. Anywho, whilst I'm doing that you can read this thread (might take a week) and tell me what's going on here. Guru/expert, or some poor guy that got stiffed by a pair of (as he says) "CROOKS".



PS. I don't know anyone involved here but will say this.

If you don't know what you're buying, what you're selling, who you're listening to or who you're dealing with. Stop doing whatever you're doing to get yourself in trouble cuz I'm tired of hearing about it.

I have to say one thing about this deal with Tom, this is been over a year and why bring it up now... I dont get that and it was with 800, who has been banned for at least a year or 2, and why get Chris involved as a partner in crime. I have to be honest, I have bought a lot of stuff from him and have not been shafted..... but after the Back on Blue ( career Web scammer) along with this crap I am really close to closing the classifieds all together.
ive dealt with viperlover and it was all good!! that would suck to not have the classifieds
A few things seem wierd to me.

1. Sycamore, Il and Diamondhead, Ms are about 925 miles apart. Nobody drives there in an hour...somebody needs to update their location profile. I'm pretty sure it's a site requirement.

2. I don't have any money. No money?... can't you write me a check? Well no...wait...a check? Hell ya I can write you a check... I thought you needed money. I'll just go ahead and pay the whole thing off!

Should say it all. Where that's concerned.

3. Caveat emptor...if you just lost your silver spoon and you're new to the used stuff scene, this is Latin for "Buyer Beware". Even in languages civilization hasn't spoken for 2000 years they knew- what you see is what you get.

Is it right the guy sank it at NIMBY or Renegade lake and didn't mention it? NO

Are there individuals (either by choice or poor mate selection) that are incapable of making sound moral decisions? Yes

If, and that's a big if, the guy really intentionally screwed you over, there should be consequences. What? I don't really know.

But from where I'm sitting: 1 guy bought a USED sled with what appears to be intensions of tearing the sled apart. There was some water in a few lines and in the case...big deal. The bad connecting rod is a toss up. You don't know until you tear it apart.

As for Tom, I'm not sure what the deal is, but it sounds like you just had a life lesson. Unless you have too much cash laying around, I'm not sure how you got involved in a rebuild deal without knowing as the process goes what the costs will be. You can't know what's wrong with a sled and the total cost, until there are pieces on the bench. That's where you say don't do anything until it's explained to me what's wrong and how much it will cost. And you continue this til you're out of money or you get what you want.

Only a fool doesn't tell his money where to go. You must have spent all of your money and then wondered where it went. If you didn't, you'd still have a sled. You would have never agreed to allow the mechanic to keep the sled to satisfy a debt.
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I don't know what Josh was talking about the water in the lines and whatever... My buddy rode the sled for 2 seasons and never even touched it other than put gas and oil in it as far as I know. (here again, not my sled) It was never sunk anywhere if thats what you are saying. Tom is in the military I guess and maybe he is stationed in MS. He had a sled and he brought it to a guys house to work on it that was a little over an hour from my place. They called me and asked for parts to which I drove up and delivered them. Hope this clears it up for ya glock...
I met Chris at a swap in Michigan, he had a few odds and ends I needed.... belly pan plug, and a couple nuts and bolts....

He gave me what I needed and told me to go through the bins and make sure I didn't need any other little things I hadn't thought of, just because I was a TY member!!!

I dont have an opinion of everyone here or their business dealing yet, but Chris seemed like a straight forward helpfull guy.

I know most everyone here is VERY helpfull and understanding if you approach things the right way!!!

just my $.02
glockwise said:
2. I don't have any money. No money?... can't you write me a check? Well no...wait...a check? Hell ya I can write you a check... I thought you needed money. I'll just go ahead and pay the whole thing off!

What was that in ? A Chevy Chase movie comes to mind.
mopar1rules said:
when you pm'ed me about that '01 srx, you were saying it was "yours" and not your buddies. and you were the one sending me the pics of it in the email. never did you say it was your buddies (chuck) sled, until i found problems w/the sled after purchase, and then came back to you telling you what i found. if the sled was your buddies, then why didn't you just say up front, "here's my buddies number, you gotta talk it over w/him?" or why wasn't HE the one sending me the pics of the sled. your buddy chuck told me and my friend that was w/me at haydays, that the power valves were just gone thru and that the sled was ready to go for the winter season. when i got home and tore the sled down for porting, i found water in the pipes, 2 of the 3 power valves pulled thru, water in crankcase, water in oil lines and oil pump, bad center connecting rod, stripped coolant bottle top, clutch components changed, and cut heads. sled was suppose to be stock. i knew about the tempa flow, as i could easily see that. then when i told you about these problems i found, you told me it's not your sled and that i should have looked it over better. what did you want me to do??......start tearing the power valves out in the middle of the swap meet at haydays, where i bought the sled, to verify that what your buddy told me was correct?? c'mon. i was simply trusting you and your buddy chuck, that your word was the truth and honest, and i learned that neither you nor chuck can be trusted. for all i know your buddy bill gohr (800) could have pieced this sled together too, right before selling it to me. also, i think if tomseal bought a new '09 nytro sled, that he would have had the $2000 to repair his srx.......c'mon. don't go saying he didn't have the money. there is also 1 more TY member that will be coming forward about his bad dealings w/you viperlover (chris). as soon as he's back from a business trip, he'll be posting. anyhow, i'm done arguing here. just thought this news needed to be brought to the table, as i was brought aware of 2 more members being screwed over by chris. i thought maybe i was the only one, but apparently not. i don't want to see anyone else getting taken advantage of.

Im guessing there was some confusion about who's sled was who's before you went to Haydays to see them. But, the fact is(by your own admission) that all your deallings of the sled at Haydays, was with Chuck, not Chris.
Im not saying your lying about the issues with the sled, but my guess is that Chris is only guilty by assotiation.
As far as your statement about (800), all your doing is throwing more mudd and accusations.
As far as Tomseal having an extra $2000 laying around because he owns a 09 Nytro, many people live beyond their means! Not saying this is the case,but?!?!?!

A couple of bucks said:
What was that in ? A Chevy Chase movie comes to mind.

Close... Jeff Fox Worthy. The repo man comes to pick up his camero, because he's behind on payments. The guy says he can keep it if he can just make a payment. Jeff says he doesn't have any money. The repo guy says can't you write me a check.

A check...I can write a check...hell, I thought you needed money. I'll go ahead and pay the whole thing off..
