what to do with one exhaust pipe


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
a while back I noticed a crack around the area were the exhaust spring hooks the pipe.I tried welding it and the metal is very thin and was going thru in a few spots.I figured I filled it all in good, grinded it down and welded again and cleaned it up.It looked good.But after running the motor today for a few minutes,I noticed black goo is coming out and dripping down.So I guess there is a small hole or two yet.What temps do these exhaust pipes get and would JB weld good to 500 F work to patch over the area.Otherwise I will be looking for another mag side exhaust pipe.
I don't have much left to spend on this sled.Want to fix this as cheap as possible.SO..has anyone out there tried JBweld on the exhaust with good results????

if your talking about the spring by the head pipe, jb weld won't work there, gets hot there, and i wouldn't chance it. should be able to pick up a pipe cheap on ebay.

what are you welding with? sled pipes aren't too bad to weld with a good wirefeed.
Get oxy and acetlene brazing torch,and get a cloths hanger, do not use a brass one as brass works its way in through the metal too much and you will never be able to work it out of the pipe. Use a mild steel hanger and weld er up! Almost same as Tig welding without the Tig torch and Argon! I just ordered a new Tig inverter for Christmas, should be here within the next week or so. You can send the pipe to me and ill do the job on er if ya wants to pay the shipping ,probally cheaper to buy a new pipe!
if you want, you can send it out to my shop ( im a welder/fabricator) ill fix it for you withj my tig ... pm me i could send you my address ...
