01 SRX 700 Idle Probelms


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I just purchased an 01 srx 700. It was abused over the years and was caked with sludge. I cleaned the carbs thoroughly and now all three cyliders are running. The problem is that when I release the choke, the idle goes from 2k and runs away up to 5k and seems as it may keep climbing. I adjusted the fuel screws from 1 full turn counter from seated all the way out to 2 full turns using half turn increments. This has made no difference.

I am going to clean the power valves tomorrow. They are caked with carbon pretty bad. Could this cuse thie problem?

Any suggestions are appreciated.
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Like Mod said., check your cables> What happens if you blip your choke when the rpm's race up? BTW, where are you in NH?
Make sure cables are ok and adjusted right. Make sure slack in throttle cable (2mm). Is idle adjusted right. Also sounds like a air leak. Check the carb boots good. CCC
Driving so sorry for spelling. Throttle cable has slack and I am from laconia NH. Boots seem ok but there are holes in bottom of air box. I think they are from mice honestly. Got this for 800 bucks, so can't complain. Thanks for the efforts thus far.
If your throttle and choke cables are good and nothing is binding on the carb linkages, I would pull the carbs again and go through them carefully. If the sled is stock go to the spec page and double check all the settings, jets etc.
Make sure if you haven't that the screens under the inlets are really clean too. I would put the fuel screws back to spec (1 1/8 turns?) after you recheck the carbs.Sounds like the choke is keeping the rpm's in a normal range with the extra mix and as soon as that is gone the motor wants to run lean. Try blipping the choke and see what happens. Bright side...........atleast you've got some time before we have any decent snow on the ground>
well with what you have posted for information, if the cable has slack, have you checked that the throttle(slides) goes all the way closed on the carb rack, because if the tors switch is broken or the taken apart it will hold the slides open at rest.

if this is ok, you have a big air leak somewhere.
air box holes on bottom are not from MICE.You think mice could make perfectly round holes ..lol.Them holes are stock,drainage for any spitback or backfire.
Super-Mice / Round Holes / Mothballs

bluemonster1 said:
air box holes on bottom are not from MICE.You think mice could make perfectly round holes ..lol.Them holes are stock,drainage for any spitback or backfire.

Hahaha, hey BLUE, u tink all the years of "GEN-MOD mice" would have
bred the wee bastards capable of chewing round holes :P

Oh, guys,..I have Guaranteed HORSEPOWER INCREASE mothballs for sale.
$99.00cad + s/h. ;)!
LOL I should have mentioned that some of the holes were way bigger with chew marks and there was a nest in the box. Not just the perfect round holes lol. I will check what you guys mentioned in the AM. Thanks again.
Topper and FJ- we could have our own little NH riding get togethers
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well then that is a different story.I would now suggest you check your entire engine.Little critters may have found there way thru the carbs and reeds now....worth a look..lol
mrviper700 said:
well with what you have posted for information, if the cable has slack, have you checked that the throttle(slides) goes all the way closed on the carb rack, because if the tors switch is broken or the taken apart it will hold the slides open at rest.

if this is ok, you have a big air leak somewhere.

I am a greenhorn so forgive my noobness. When I had the carbs out, it seems the slides still left about a quarter inch of light from the bottom. I thought it must be normal. Are we talking about the same thing? And what screens are we talking about at the inlets? I just whet by the carb cleaning 101 guide and didn't read about screens. Again sorry for noobness. Thanks guys.

Will def be down for riding with you guys.
Thanks all. I went throughout everything again and cleaned the power valves. They were so caked and pretty much seized. Now I can get it to idle nicely. Still a little hesitation with throttle and takes a little time to idle back down, but much better. Thanks again.
TopperMcFly said:
Still a little hesitation with throttle and takes a little time to idle back down, but much better. Thanks again.

That sounds like idle hang, lean condition. Needs more fuel. What did you turn fuel screws too? I had to turn mine to 2 turns out from seated. This is the normal fix for idle hang. Lots of info for this if you do a search "idle hang". CCC
