Srx riser


New member
Nov 13, 2010
Rochester Hills, Mi
Can you post some pictures of your handlebar riser on your srx.

with this additional info:
What inch rise, if you had to extend lines, and what kind of riser.

Thanks guys!

will send some pics shortly. heres a breif overview: 1" spacer block at the top of the steering stem(home made). 2.5" ROX pivot riser, mtn viper bars, 03 mtn viper throttle and oil pump cables, extended brake line from i dont remember, and a deleted parking brake replaced with a weightless one from mtn perf as my chaincase is rolled and the stocker wouldnt work anyway. all total its around 8" over stock.
i just put on a 2" powermadd block riser from dennis kirk.... came with the longer bolts that are neeed too. no need to extend cables, just have to adjust brake and throttle position. pretty inexpensive compared to others out there, i think i paid $28. i didnt take pics of the install, but who cares what it looks like, the bar pad covers it up anyways
as mentioned, throttle and oil cables are oem from an 03 mtn viper. any yamaha dealer should be able to set you up. there are a few that support this forum, i would start there. for the brake line, i believe it came from rich motorsports, as well as the pivot riser. the 1" block i fabricated myself. some rerouting of the wires was all that was needed.
Cable extensions were not needed for the 3.5" extension. But i did swap the stock brake cable out for a braided steel one. Much better feel.
