9.9 to 15hp outboard

On the Merc 9.9 2 stroke the carb and exhaust tube are different. Alot of people only change the carb, this gives a little bit of increase, but as you know the exahust on a 2 stroke makes the biggest differance. To change the exhaust tube, the power head must be pulled, Items needed 2 gaskets, exhaust tube/plate, and carb.
I hope this helps. I have updated many of these small outboards. Al
harness racer said:
is it as simple as swaping the read cage

Not totally. I did this to an '84 9.9 this year. I swapped out the reed cage, which was pretty cheap, and it worked wonders, but the carburetor on the 15 is bigger than the 9.9, so I'm sure you don't get the full 15hp with just swapping out the reed block........maybe 12 or so. Either way, for $30, it was a huge improvement.
