Suspension wheels the same?


New member
Jan 10, 2008
Hello, replacing bearings and wheels in rear skid on my viper, and was wondering if anyone knows if the large wheels in the top/middle of the rear skid are the same as the large rear wheels? Reason I ask, is you can not change out the bearings and have to buy new wheels, but they want $80 per wheel. Was wondering if the rear wheels are the same bearing and wheel size. Since you can get those for $22 a piece. Help! Thanks
the wheels are the same size 7" but the bearings are different 6004 in the rear wheels and 6205 in the uppers. i would get some srx wheels there cheaper and the bearings are replaceable.
Why on earth if they are basically the same, what makes them soooo much cheaper? can get them for $16 for an srx but vipers are $80?
What is the difference in the part? 8EK-47550-00-00 - says for viper and SRX is 8CR-47550-00-00? New vector runs the 8CR, same as the SRX. IS there a reason?
as far as i know the only difference is the replaceable bearing.also not sure if the 8cr wheel comes with the bearing and circlip,might have to buy seperatly . but with the money you'd save you could probaly buy all new bearings and circlips.
Yeah, I am just curious why they are different #'s, so I contacted my local dealer, and they contacted Yamaha, and Yamaha didn't recommend it. Is there anyone on the site that has replaced these wheels with something other than the 8EK-47550-00-00? Anyone with a Viper put on the SRX wheels - 8CR-47550-00-00?
Changed both my viper carrier wheel axles and wheels to srx. Not by choice messed them up removing them the first time. Rookie mistake. Now have changeable bearings and much easier to repack in fall. I got both mine from local scrap yard for $65 a piece. Thats with shaft and wheels. The shaft is also the heavy duty one not the aluminum one that came with viper. Dont care about weight just ease of removal. CCC
i used bombardier wheels on mine, ran into the same thing when i went to replace fix and now i can replace the bearing instead of the wheel.
PurePower said:
Yeah, I am just curious why they are different #'s, so I contacted my local dealer, and they contacted Yamaha, and Yamaha didn't recommend it. Is there anyone on the site that has replaced these wheels with something other than the 8EK-47550-00-00? Anyone with a Viper put on the SRX wheels - 8CR-47550-00-00?
my guess would be yamaha don't recomend it for the simple reason they will make less money. why sell you a wheel for $25.00 that you can replace the $4.00 bearing in as many times as nesasary when they can sell you one for $80.00 every time you need that $4.00 bearing.
the bearings in the non replaceable wheels are realy just pressed in there cuz if you think about it it cant be in there when the wheel gets molded other wise the grease would be gone from the heat.
All of the viper skid wheels have replaceable bearings? It was only when they went to the Apex that they were apparently un replaceable, but viper kid has a good point doesn't he. I'm sure you can replace them.
viperkid92 said:
the bearings in the non replaceable wheels are realy just pressed in there cuz if you think about it it cant be in there when the wheel gets molded other wise the grease would be gone from the heat.

Ahhhhhh, Nope. You can keep the bearing cool if needed and the molding process is not hot enough to worry about the grease going any where.
super1c said:
Changed both my viper carrier wheel axles and wheels to srx. Not by choice messed them up removing them the first time. Rookie mistake. Now have changeable bearings and much easier to repack in fall. I got both mine from local scrap yard for $65 a piece. Thats with shaft and wheels. The shaft is also the heavy duty one not the aluminum one that came with viper. Dont care about weight just ease of removal. CCC

Super1C, is the shaft from an SRX? if so, is that a different size than the viper?
Ya the skid is the same just different travel. Any proaction shaft will work. Its much heavier like i said but holds up under the pounding to get the wheels off. Not sure what year proactions used this. I just looked for the ones with replaceable bearings at the scrap yard. He had a billion proaction skids laying around. Just happen to get these off srx skid. At least i think it was as it was a short travel skid. CCC
Went to the dealer and we matched the two wheels up, ant they are identical, just the 8CR - wheel has a replaceable bearing. $17 per wheel is alot better than $95, and now can change out a $6 bearing!

Yamaha, BRP, etc. do not make these wheels. Most are made by PPD out of Canada. Look closely at your stock wheels and you should see the PPD name molded right in. Just get the same size from your favorite mail order house (Dennis Kirk, Royal, etc.). You need to match outer diameter and bearing size. These wheels usually come with the bearing already installed.

The Viper large carrier wheels had non-replaceable bearings (molded in). The Tech Update touted as a truer balanced wheel that would cause less vibrations.
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The Tech Update touted as a truer balanced wheel that would cause less vibrations.[/QUOTE]lol they must be manufactured to the same standards as space shuttle parts by the price they want for them.
LOL! My dealer told me that the reason is the stock viper part is made and from a supplier in Japan, and is limited production. The newer wheels are made by PPD, large production and in the states. Got to love "Made in America"
I just ordered 2 wheels for the top of my Viper. I ordered the SRX ones, and they do not fit because the bearing is too small. Any suggestions? Can you get the same size bearing with a larger diameter hole?
