Power Valve Update


VIP Member
Dec 19, 2004
Amherst NS
At some point Yamaha updated the SRX powervalves and added some material to the end of the valve where the cable hooks. I guess the theory was to keep the cable from pulling through so easily. My question is when did they start this update. I just picked up an 01' SRX with 2400 miles on it. The valves appear to be the updated ones and I'm wondering if they are the originals or if the previous owner would have replaced them.

not sure when they did it but i dont think they were any better i have done all year machines and the alumnium still seems pretty soft when i cut them down to repair them .....
The powervalve has probably been updated by yamahahead for the previous owner.. To my knowledge all srx 700 valves are the same.
thats what i was thinking ...cause there is no noticeable difference in yamahas valves ....but mine the top will be shiney stainless steel ...post a pic and ill tell you if i fixed them
No, don't think they have been fixed by you. They are stock but at some point Yamaha made a smalle change in the valve. The original valves had the slot for the cable right at the top of the valve. Later on the slot was down about 1/8". I"ll see if I can get some picture tonight of the old vs new valve. Having said that, the cables still embed themselves in the valve, it just takes longer to pull through.
New valves bought at your dealer were suppose to be updated with more meat in the grove area, but they still could pull through maybe not as easily.

The valves in the sleds up to 2002 were all the old style,,routine maintenance is still key here.
daman said:
New valves bought at your dealer were suppose to be updated with more meat in the grove area, but they still could pull through maybe not as easily.

The valves in the sleds up to 2002 were all the old style,,routine maintenance is still key here.

Thanks Daman, that answers my question.
if they are enbedded they are gonna pull thru soon ...box them up and send them to me and ill fix them better than new and you wont have to worry about pull thru again ...and will fix all 3 for less than half the price of what you can buy a new valve for ....
YA*AM*A*HEAD said:
if they are enbedded they are gonna pull thru soon ...box them up and send them to me and ill fix them better than new and you wont have to worry about pull thru again ...and will fix all 3 for less than half the price of what you can buy a new valve for ....

Yeah, I think I may do that. Do you have any already done that you can exchange. I'm in Canada and with Christmas close by the time you get mine done and back it might be Christmas. Lol. Can you PM me with your shipping address?
