Sweet video!

SWEET! Wife made me buy a speed boat to keep my sled off the water....still hasnt stopped me on the river! :WayCool: Not much you can do if there is open water..got to try it ummmmm right?
my bros 03 edge x was 20 feet under in the summer....he tried to pass a speed boat and when he hit the wake his belt got wet.....he shut it off as soon as it reved up....and then pulled the buoy out from the windshield bag.....and then had it towed in by a boat.....drained the base and the gas, and oiled everything down and it still works great..
I had a guy get too close to my wake on the waspi and same thing happen. Instantly the belt got wet and it slipped bad and shut down. Luckly when he came to a stop he was only in 2' of water. I tried to tell him should have had a yamaha...a yamaha owner cant let something like that go without saying a few words about "should have been on a yammy!" hehehe.

Its a sinking feeling in your stomach when a belt starts slipping when on open water. I was running around 80 mph when I had a belt instantaly slip and skipped about 20' to solid ground. Brent
Thats a sweet site. I've been a member there for about a year. I suggest some of you sign up on the forums. Kris Mitchell 1 of the guys in that movie are actually riding in the fsx tour along with acouple other members.
