hello everyone i just measured my carb on my 79 340 enticer it was 40mm to the outside to the head. can i use a differnt 40mm carb like a mikuni? i know ill have to rejet but will i get better performance with this? it seems like it wants to bog down then pick up speed. the sled has 1100 miles on it and looking to wake it up a bit. any advice????
clean the primary clutch and put a new spring in there. that already has a mikuni butterfly carb on there that is not too bad. clean it and make shure the fuel filter and pule line are in good shape. have one of these in the shelter at home and have had to do all of this to it at some point to get it running right.
i pulled my clutch apart today holy crap!!!!!!!!! well this is a good place to start my clutch had build up 1/4 thick ,rust on the weights and nuts haha no really there was nuts in it. when i got it 2 years ago it was in a garage with around 100 miles since 1980 pop the hood nuts and nest every where. Cleaned all that put gas and fresh oil in it and ran it about 800 miles or so never had a problem it was just kinda doggish off the line o yea i aslo cleaned the carb when i got it....
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ok im still bogging clean clutch new nothing is worn looks good now i put a new spring in dealer had one in stock (that was amaizing) and tore the carb apart again soaked it scrubed it blew it out clean as a wistle. when i started it and had the exhaust off there was no blog at all very responsive. put the exhaust back on and bog bog before the clutch even kicked in. its just when u hamer it from a dead stop it does it. do u think it could be my exhaust being pluged. i would like to get a pipe for it but never seen any aftermarket> what about puting a can on it off of somthing else? any thoughts???
pipe might have a mouse/rats nest in it. might have to cut the side out on it and clean it out. how is the inside of the air-box?
if the exhaust is good, go ahead and replace the crank seals. if it does not want to bog with the choke on when you rev it up, that is the problem. the one in the shed needs this atm. other wise will lean out motor and burn it down.
if the exhaust is good, go ahead and replace the crank seals. if it does not want to bog with the choke on when you rev it up, that is the problem. the one in the shed needs this atm. other wise will lean out motor and burn it down.
i sprayed brake cleaner on those seals and no change in the idle. and it does blog worst with the choke. the air box is clean .im going to cut the muffler apart and try to find a can for it. i have feeling its my exhaust being cloged its been like this since i got it. u coulnt tell from looking at my plugs since the golden brown u would thing they would be black idk
ok so today i cut the muffler apart looked good but i took the 3 baffles out and welded it back up. its not loud but has a good tone now. It took some of the bognest away but it was still there. at this point i was starting to give up. then i turned the idle up a little more and vola no more bog. cant wait to ride it and see what for jets im going to need haha. so all u enticer guys out thier dont give up just keep moving forward and ask alot of questions that what ty is for right!! thanks for all the help
np. glad you got it figured out.