New member getting a "new" sled... a few ??'s for you guys


New member
Dec 13, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI
Hello, I'm a newbie around here. Just about to buy my first sled in MANY years (since I was a teenager, which was quite a few years ago!). Looking seriously at a 97 VMax 600 XTC with 2400 miles on it. Not a scratch, lady driven. I know the owners of this sled, went to highschool with them... good people. Just wondering if any of you currently have, or have had this sled and if you could give me some feedback. It's not studded, but I would stud it if I bought it. Will be ridden mostly in the UP of Michigan.

Want to call him tonight actually and give him a yeah or neah. So, let the comments commence.

AKA 'Foul :rockon:

One of the guys we ride with just traded his '98 XT 600 in with 12000+ kms on it. Never, ever had a problem with it..not even a little one. It was a little harder on gas and oil then the tripples but not too bad. Get some studs and a set of plastic skis and you're off to the races. Looks good!
Friend of mine has a 97 venture with the 600 twin and he loves it. Like Dok said kinda hard on fuel compared to my 600 triple, but still not bad. Studs and some srx skis and maybe some clutching and you'll be good to go! ;)!
Friend had the same sled and the only mod was 1 main jet size leaner and 1 needle clip leaner. helped out big time on fuel and performance
I thought it looked like it needed a little grease too. They guy who ownes it is a maintenance guy at Steelcase.... and other than the purple door (had to be his wife's doing!) everything he ownes is spotless and meticulously maintained. It has been sitting since last spring, was rode very sparingly last season, and has only been started once since then... while I was there Saturday. Started on the second pull and ran smooth.

Out of the picture is his 98 SRX (also spotless) and a brandy new Ski-Doo Rev600 that he hasn't even ridden yet.


Keep the comments coming.
The XTC is a great sled to start with. My brother in law has one and it has been reliable and works fine. The twin is not a power house but for a first sled in awhile you wont be dissapointed. There are some mods you can do for extra HP.
those are very decent sleds, have a good ride, especially with the maxximum performance center spring. They are very reliable, and handle great as well. Good sled
If the price is right, looks like a nice clean sled. GREASE it up right away tho, and keep greasing it!

That sled will make for a nice RELIABLE SMOOTH RIDE! Brent ;)!
