1982 yamaha 340et hop ups ?

sick srx

New member
Nov 3, 2009
new york
im looking for ways to make a 340 enticer faster . im going to run spx moly coated high performance pistons with a .30 over bore . i thought about about a comet 102c with a pink spring . i was also thinking of cutting the head , but i dont know how much to have cut with out going to far, , maybe someone has some information on cutting the head , i know ill have to run a better gas . i was wondering if a little polishing would help the intake and maybe polish the exhaust ports . i would also like a little information on how to polish the intake and the exhaust ports , any input or other mod ideas would be appreciated :letitsnow :nos:
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i would like to know if any one did any work 2 these becides put gas and oil in them and ride them since they never break lol .....i say go for it and let us know how u make out i think theres alot of power hiding in the old enticers!!!!
i picked up some wiseco pistons .25 over . i was still looking for some input on what would be a safe amount to cut the head without getting into race gas , though i dont mind running high test gas or a little additive . i picked up a port and polish kit from jegs im going to polish the intake , intake ports and the exhaust ports i was told the enticer 340 clutch and the exciter 440 clutch are the same so im going to run a 3900 rpm spring on the 340 clutch . im also going to put the track on backwards and add in some short studs , im looking for a way to modify the stock pipe since i cant find any other way to go , does anybody know if you can set or adjust the oil pump to push or flow a little more oil
get the coper gasket. cosmic gaskets ??? cant think of the name. the other head gaskets are 1.1mm thick and on mine it had .045 thou deck clearence and I think about .020 thou thick squish clearence in the head so really if you could cut Oring groove in the cyl or head that would be best and still be prem safe.. I went the cheep way and have a .025mm head gasket. As for cyls, widen the E port and intake port 42mm wide. thats straight across-cord width. take the top of the intake port to the bottom of the piston skirt @TDC. make sure you give the ports a nice bevel so the rings dont run over a sharp edge. try to keep stock port shape for simplicity
Theres a start for you.
i think the gasket companys name is cometic . so your saying these head gaskets are thiner than other gaskets , about how much thinner ?. i really dont want to port anything i was just going to polish things up before i have the cylinder work done . to do any porting i think is a little out of my league thanks for info though
The windarosa gasket set has a 1.1mm thick head gasget. My piston to deck clearence was .045 thou, the squish clearence ( out side edge of combustion chamber to sealing surface) was .025 thou. .065 for a bore that size is V safe. now add your gasget thickness. then its way lots
If you decide what gasget your going to use measure the thickness and go from there. the windrosa gasket was 1.1mm = .0433 thou . if you use this gasket there is not enough to cut off the head,unless you want the gasget to be the edge of the squish band. cut Orings into the head if you want to spend $. Orings for a Doo 377 will work. Measure first ;)!
according to the yamaha gras racing tech manual 440 f/a that cutting 040 off the top of the heads was fine for drag use only and never go above 200 psi cold crank comp

now it sucks you bought the girley man 340 pistons you coulda bought the manly man pistons for a 440 and bored it right out
or got to be a real manley man and bought 440 ex or et jugs from the internet oh wait why not pull up the fact and split the case and either send it out and have the sleave area bored or doityerself witha die grinder and use a set of phazer jugs
a guy on here built one
Sacha Hindle's SRV540 Message Board - Home
sacha i here hasnt been home in a while
a 433 free air exhaust port roof should be 34 millimeters down from the top of the cylinder and 53 mm wide
the floor of the exhaust port should be 70mm from the top of the cylinder use this as a guide and subtract the 8mm diff in port with and you should be ok
you could also just buy a set of heads from a 300 and polish out the smaller chamber area and continue the squishband angle then just stack a 3/16th cyl spacer between 2 gasket and rase the port timing if you no like you can always remove the spacer without altering the porting of the cylinder
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im noy looking to get nuts with diff parts and any porting .im going to polish some stuff up and bore for the pistons and cut the head a little . as far as the 40 thou off the 440 heads for racing if i only went 20 thou should i be able to run high test pump gas or would i be into race gas ?
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