Gearing for 8t Drivers


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Manistee, MI
I just studded my 1 1/4" Ripsaw in my 01' SRX. I need the drag race traction but don't want to give up my ability to go off trail. I am going to put in 8t drivers and don't know where to start as far as gearing is concerned. I am running the stock gears now and am fairly happy with the setup. I mostly ride groomed trails, hit some powder now and again, and drag race my buddies often! Idon't mind giving up a little top end to gain a little in the bottom and out of the corners in actual trail conditions. I am unsure where to begin as I'm dropping to 8t drivers... I've read articles on here untill my eyes were bleeding. From what I gather the SRX enging likes to be worked a bit and can pull higher ratios than comparable sleds. Any recomendations? How about stock Mountain Max gearing with the 8t drivers? Oh yah, my sled is pretty stock except bender can, bender reed spacers and bender transfer rods.

In my opinion, from what your describing, good place to be would be 23/37 with 8 tooth drivers. With your stock gears(23/38) the 8 tooths will take the ratio from 1.65 and turn it into a 1.86, which will make the sled have all kinds of low and mid range punch but will rob a decent amount of topend. I would suggest something from your needs to be around a 1.7 ratio, its a good blend of racing and decent topend for shorter blast down roads,etc. (you can still load the engine decently as well, your on the right thinking path)
Thanks viperking700, Ive been doing alot of research on this and feel like I have mayonase in my brain now! Do you happen to know the stock gearing on the 2000 2001 mountain max's?
Wow all that Mayonase has Viper king confused with MR Viper 700. Just teasing. Maybe this chart will help.

I'm running 23/37 with 136, 1.25 ripsaw & 8 tooth drivers. That was close as I could get to the ratio I had with the 9 toothers.
