01 SRX firing problems


New member
Nov 10, 2010
So we got a few inches of snow today and I was riding the SRX for the first time this year. I was riding for a few mins around the yard. When it was cold it was running great and then when it got hot it shut off and then when I go to start it up again it will fire but wont stay running. I am thinking it is electrical maybe a bad cdi. If I then let it sit for a bit and let it get cold it will start right up and then run for a bit and then shuts off again and same issue. Also could this be a carb problem. I am just not sure. Any help?
Make sure your choke is not sticking on or that it is adjusted correctly. Also clean carbs to be sure no issues there. If this doesn't fix the issue I'd say start looking at electrical. SRX's are known for a wire harness issue under the motor. I'd start by checking this. It tends to wear through right under the oil pump on the backside of the motor. Do you notice anything else going on while its running poorly like you lights going out or your tach jumping around?
I looked at the choke I dont think its that. I noticed that the tach light was going in and out but other than that nothing, Ijust thought it was a loose wire. It did sit for a while because it hasnt been rode in 2 years. The carbs and powervalves are getting cleaned this week, I am going to have to narrow it down then. I will clean both those and then if it doesnt run then its on to the wiring harness. I really dont want to rip the motor out. I have a trip on the 15th to get it ready for. Thanks
I pulled my harness out without removing the motor. I unbolted the 2 motor mounts on the exhaust side and raised the motor enough to pull the harness out. I actually just purchased an 01 SRX with 2000 miles on it. Wasn't running right and the harness was chaffed through.
So I let the sled sit and went to start it up today and it didnt start at all. I had spark but its not starting. I now assume this is a wiring harness problem as opposed to a fuel problem. As I mentioned before it ran great for a few runs and then it quit yesterday....and then a few mins later it started up and it ran for about 100 ft and then quit again and couldnt get it back started. Went to start it tonight and didnt start. You guys think its the harness?? Thanks guys. It has been a while since I have snowmobiled and the sled I use to drive was older and if it broke down it was simple to fix...now the newer ones..or new to me have so many different things on them I am clueless on some things.
Are you trying to run it on old gas? If so drain old out and put fresh premium in.. And when were carbs cleaned the last time?
I just bought the sled from a guy and he said he cleaned the carbs before he sold it but I didnt believe him because those hadnt been touched. I put fresh premium in it and some cleaner but nothing. Would the carbs be gummed up that badly that it isnt going to start?
Yes, if you loosened the crap up in the carps they will plug it right up to where it wont even start.....
wiscoSRX said:
So I let the sled sit and went to start it up today and it didnt start at all. I had spark but its not starting. I now assume this is a wiring harness problem as opposed to a fuel problem. As I mentioned before it ran great for a few runs and then it quit yesterday....and then a few mins later it started up and it ran for about 100 ft and then quit again and couldnt get it back started. Went to start it tonight and didnt start. You guys think its the harness?? Thanks guys. It has been a while since I have snowmobiled and the sled I use to drive was older and if it broke down it was simple to fix...now the newer ones..or new to me have so many different things on them I am clueless on some things.

Dump a small amount of premixed fuel down the plug holes. If you have a fuel problem the sled should fire up and run for a few seconds before quitting. If it doesn't start after dumping fuel down the plug holes then you might possibly have an electrical problem.
I finally found out what was wrong with the sled and thought I would let you guys know. It was electrical but it wasnt the wire harness...the ground wasnt grounded! Amazing..my mechanic said that if I had my headlight on low beam it would run like a top all day but if I switched it to high beam it would short out. But I had him go through everything else and he said it was in tip top shape. It better be it only has 2500 miles on it. 150 psi throughout...I know..I know..all depending..but its good news. Thanks guys..cant wait til next week..going up to munising and it sounds like it will be pretty good.
