sled falling on it face


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Montgomery, IL
Hey guys sled is falling on its face at midrange clean carbs, powervales and adjusted them what should i check next

Could be a clutch problem, Primary spring getting weak, not enough side pressure on secondary, broken button in secondary. It's worth a look.
You might have spark but no fuel. Pull airbox and make double sure all lines are hooked up properly. Did you plug the holes for reeds with something and leave it in? Just tossin ya some ideas.
Heck last year I left one of the float bowl drain screws open. Put it all back together started it and was wonderin why gas was puddling on floor. Duh da duh!
bigd1000rr said:
boot can still be bad even though their is spark
Yep. Had a 97 700sx that had a similiar problem that you are experiencing. Tested the boots and 2 were bad. It would only idle nice and run decent at full throttle.
Also use solid tip plugs as that is a constant pain for connectivity on certain plug caps with screw tops...
well thanks guys for all the input got it running 2nite ai forgot to tighten up the main and the polite both fell out the middle cylinder. Thanks agian as I know u all know ur stuff but cant not fix stupid LOL
