Will cover fit with handguards on a viper?

I have a 2" riser and powermadd handguards and I had my cover on the sled over the off season. It fit fine althought I did angle the Guards so they were angled flat to give them some xtra room. You should manage :WayCool:
Extreme: How do you like those handguards. I have some in my inventory and thought about putting them on my Viper. I have a really cool set of Chrome/black if anyone is interested. I thought they would look good on a silver RX1/Rage!
My boyfriend had the sporttech chrome handguards (+2 inch riser) and I wouldn't put the cover on with them. The chorme will wear off from the cover rubbing on them. He too had to flip his up for the cover to fit.

I have powermadd guards on mine with a 2 inch and my cover still fits.
I also have the PowerMadd ones, just not on the Viper, yet. I had them on my 97 Indy 500 for extra wind protection on the hands. They worked really well, kept my hands warmer, and blocked the branches, on some off trail excursions.

To put the cover on, I just angled the guards down, and it fit alright, a little tight nut nothing to worry about.

my guards hit my cobra windshield, so i had to take them off. They worked with my low yamaha windshield, but hit the flares on the cobra. Probably need a decent size riser to get them to fit
I thought about getting gaurds but thought they would hit thw shield??
I have a 2" riser and the bars turned up?
I had problems

I have an 02" viper with a 2 inch riser without the hand gaurds and it posed a true, cover stretching then loosen the handle bars and lay them down experience...to get the cover on. I did that last season and that was enough! I hate covers anyway, so I just bought a 2 place covered to get around that whole sit-chee-a-tion...lol The other guys didn't sound like thay had problems..HMM?? Good luck
