clutch question


Jan 31, 2010
ON, Canada
Hey fellas....quick question. I'm running heel clickers weights with HC grey spring in primary and a hauck roller secondary with a silver spring and stock helix. Hammer down on the throttle and it jumps to 8100-8200 and settles at 8000rpm. If i slowly squeeze the throttle (radar run) it runs up to 8000 and sits there without moving. I'm hitting 100mph in a hurry but i would like to hit 8400 rpm. What angle helix should i try or should i just remove tip weight. I was thinking of going with a shallow finish angle helix. Would this give me back 400 rpm's? What helix do you recommend for the HC and roller secondary?

what helix do you have in there now? 47?
how are the weights set up?

hc's with a roller secondary will require a stiff sec. spring as well.
I'm using stock helix....yamaha silver spring wrapped at 60...... I'll weigh the weights out tonight..I honestly cant remember what weights i put in but i know the middle hole is empty and it engages at 4000rpm. i'll post more info on the weights.
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I was considering that also but i didnt think that a stiffer red spring would give me more rpm's.....I'll most likely end up using the red spring in the long run as it seems nobody uses the grey spring.
stock helix, yammy silver secondary spring at 60 wrap, hauck roller secondary, HC grey primary spring , 3.9 heel, middle empty, and 3.2 in tip which totals 60.1 grams. Engages at 4000 tops out at 8000 @ 100mph. I want to hit 8400 rpm and keep my 4000 engagement. Any other ideas? I really dont want to swap out every clutch component but i guess if i have to i will.
red h/c primary spring will raise topend rpm some along with going to a shallower finish helix will help the roller clutch out, 47 is too steep with a roller secondary, go to something like a straight 39 helix. The secondary upshifts very fast but the reason your not getting rpm up top is the primary spring and the sec is trying to backshift,(it backshifts as fast as it upshifts) because its "load sensative". With a straight 47 its not seeing the torq at the rear clutch so its trying to backshift while the front clutch is trying to upshift, so they fight each other and just goes into a dead zone of low rpm and likely doesnt keep pulling mph or rpm.
thanks a lot for your help guys....I am going to order these parts asap.....I hope to get 8400rpm and about 105-110 mph. Is this speed obtainable with a 99 srx with the mods i have? I know they dont run as hard as the 2000 srx's and up, but i thought with some mods and setting my clutch up i should be able to run with a stock 2000 srx 700...hopefully lol
