srx questions about boost bottles

There was another thread about this yesterday.

The answer is no. You will lose hp, and a fair amount. My 780 was down 8 hp on the dyno with a boost bottle setup.
reed spacers will make it sound smoother and alot more responsive but thats about it, i got a boost bottle but never used it before i got rid of my srx but from what im told they do alot on nonpowervalved motors. the powervalves on srx's already do the job of the boost bottle. like i said though i havnt been tested the boost bottle myself.
Powervalves do not do the 'suppposed' job of a boost bottle. They actually have nothing to do with the boost bottle concept.

Boost bottles are supposedly designed as a momentary storage container for pre-atomized fuel/air mixture. It theoretically holds this small, already atomized charge and it gets pulled into the cylinder for a fraction of a second before carburetor venturi gets enough velocity to fully atomize the available fuel.

Just a bit of info, in case someone was interested. End result: They do not work.
They connect one intake to another. When one intake stroke stops in one cyl, another starts. The one that starts can pull a fresh charge from the bottle that connects to the other cyls. They work, just not on every motor. They seem to like a tight intake, small carb, sub 8500 rpm motor.

What was used to install the boost bottle?
