Carb vents in airbox on SRX,any benefit.


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I just read in Snow Tech about a possible cure for the engine problems people are having with their Vipers with pipes installed,just let the carb vent lines run under the engine instead of into the airbox.I did not realize that the Vipers were set up this way to start but would like to know if there would be any good in feeding the vents from an SRX carb rack into the airbox.I have already experimented with a tempaflow only to have 2 engines detonate on me;I can only say that I never experienced any problems before the install and I realize that many people have had great luck with them,but that was my experience.Im just curious is all if anyone has tried this. :?:
CPR Said a piped VIPER with bored carbs or a 780 b.b. kit you unhook the vents from the box and gut it . Add TPI velves Put in smaller mains and SRX needles and nozzlos. BUT on a piped VIPER with stock carbs and motor "DONT" unhook the vents....
