already sent you a pm describing the issues.So since the cable ends won't come out of the valve..CAN I just cut thru the valve top just below the cable..then the upper part will fall apart in 2 pieces and valve end will be clear.Don't know why this is even happening,in 3 years never had a valve issue.It must be the damn Yamalube I am using for breakin..yet valve's slide out easily..adjustment was 2.5mm...
Don't know if all this is causing my motor to open up properly and hit peak rpm's..but was my first thing to inspect on the matter
Don't know if all this is causing my motor to open up properly and hit peak rpm's..but was my first thing to inspect on the matter
Active member
Put the valves\cables\servo moter on the bench.Put the valve in your vise and useing a screw driver or sharp chisel tap the cable end down so it is not embeded in the valve and slide it out.
I guess he is not around today.Anyone else..should I just cut away at the valve then t0 release cable end,got no choice here.Valve's will have to be fixed then by Yamahead.
I tried pushing end back thru with small screwdriver..no go.Could try vise thing as long as I don't wreck cable end..that's my worry.Since the valve end will be no good for re-use..was really thinking cutting end off would be safer.
Active member
It should not be the bad to get out if it was in a vice.There is a certain spot to cut the valve but come on you would have to put it in a vice to cut anyway no?Take you time have another smoke lol
yeah need another smoke..lol..I have a power hacksaw that I can take valve to and done ina few seconds...lol
This is 1 issue.The other is why this is even happening..pisses me off.
This is 1 issue.The other is why this is even happening..pisses me off.
Active member
And listen to the radio........stupid song is stuck in my head!!You could blame it on over tightening the cables by not locking the servo pully with a set of visegrips so you could feal the houseing pressing against the fealer gage when adjusting!Or just blame the man for useing soft material in the valves themself,any
who M\P will fix you up with some stainless steel bolt ends that will never happen again. .
who M\P will fix you up with some stainless steel bolt ends that will never happen again. .
Active member
If i had the time you do to play around i would and HAVE cut the valve the lenth of the bolt head .Drilled and tap the end,round off the bolt head, drill a hole and cut a slot with a hack saw.Wala done....hardest thng is drilling the holes straight and center!!There is a new guy in active users in the centre 2nd line down i dont want to repeat his name take a look..........bad boy..............................
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Active member
You fall asleep come on doug wake up budy.Do you have a drill press in the shop?
Use ice pick to push the barrel back down and slide out, not that hard....
Active member
I tink he went out to the geerage for another puff!
I basically took something the same diameter as the hole and forced the little sh*t cable end out with no damage to cable.Yep them 2 valve's had the valve end embedded into it already starting.
Now my biggest concern is.if valve moves easily in housing,why would there be a attempt of pull thru even happening.The 3rd valve was good,cable just slide out normally.
I am wandering if the servo motor is working inconsistently.I may just throw on the spare one I have for now and attempt to re-install my cables again and do the 2.5mm required setting again.If these pull thru or try to..I guess Yamahead will have more business from me..lol
Now my biggest concern is.if valve moves easily in housing,why would there be a attempt of pull thru even happening.The 3rd valve was good,cable just slide out normally.
I am wandering if the servo motor is working inconsistently.I may just throw on the spare one I have for now and attempt to re-install my cables again and do the 2.5mm required setting again.If these pull thru or try to..I guess Yamahead will have more business from me..lol
Active member
Your only chaseing the dragon if you use power valves the have a little wear on the top of the slot!
pm sent doug ...cut top rite at ball end part way thru and use a flt screw driver to pry it open and get your cable out ...not like the metal is that stron probally dont even need to cut it just spred it with a screwdriver