93 yamaha exciter 2

It takes time and patients on cleaning the carbs on any sled.
You'll need a can of carb cleaner, some compressed air, decent screwdrivers(not hardware store types), the biggest thing with those carbs is to make sure that they are syncronized. Before you remove any fuel/air adjuster screws you'll need to VERY carefully count the revolutions to screw them in to where they bottom out lightly as this adjustment is pretty critical and could give an inexperienced tuner/carb cleaner troubles. Again if you take your time and don't let an attitude get in your way you can do it and gain experience and knowledge and will become easier over time.
Clean one carb first and use the other one for reference.
When first carb is finished start the other then you always
have a reference. Clean your tools before reassembling as
the smallest piece of dirt can make you try it again. ;)!
