2 2 Stroke Oil question Spectro, Castrol, BRP XPS


New member
Nov 12, 2010
Cambridge, wi
Hi I recently purchased a 2003 Viper and am trying to decide on what oil I am going to run. I am new to sleds but have been active dirt/road bike rider most of my life. On my race bike I have always run Golden spectro pre mix with great results. Only in early 80's did I run anything different (Yamalube 2R). Anyway I see that spectro makes a 100% synthetic injector oil for sleds so I was wondering if anyone has ever run it and what people think of it.

Also in doing my research I have come across Castrol Act>evo X-TRA Snow 2T (syn blend) and BRP XPS (100% synthetic). Have any of you used either and have any opinions. I have of course seen numerous mention of AMS oil on this sie which people seem to like. No one I know in dirt bike world runs AMS oil so never tried it but I may as seems many here have had good luck with it. Near me I can readly get BRP XPS and Castrol Act>evo X-TRA as well as AMS oil, Spectro I would need to order.

Anyway if anyone has some thoughts on BRP XPS, Spectro or Castrol Act>evo X-TRA I would like to hear about it.


Really, nobody you know of uses amsoil for dirt bikes?

Considering you are from Wi, I find that odd.

I run amsoil in my 2000 600 VES and those have oil oumps that are much richer than they need to be. I would clog the PV's with the recommened poalris VES oil, but never had an issue with either dominator or interceptor Amsoil.

I vote amsoil...
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Another vote for Amsoil Interceptor. Ran the 1st tank of Yamalube through it and then switched to Interceptor. Put pistons and rings in at 9500 and cylinders measured within spec of new ones. 12,000 + on her now and no issues.
is it ok to switch oils (brands and types) after you have been running a different kind? i thought i read somewhere that doing so wasnt good.
It's something I personally didn't worry about. I still had some oil in the tank when I switched, others experience might be different.
penzoil full synth (labeled marine oil) from walmart is all I run in ALL my 2 stroke engines. (2 snowmobiles, 3 jet skies, 3 outboards, plus a couple chainsaws/weedeaters) My total oil consumption per year is more than a lot of people burn in gas in their snowmobiles... (my boat has a 5 gallon oil tank, and at the rate it sucks fuel, it needs it!)

I've been doing that many years, and haven't had a single problem. It burns a lot cleaner, doesn't smoke as much, and won't carbon/plug up powervalves.
And it's a GREAT PRODUCT !!! From a GREAT COMPANY,, with a GREAT sponsorship package !!!
I always have ran the spectro in my bikes. And have been changed over this year to the interceptor from ams-oil based on a friend swearing by it (lowmilevmax) and other testimonials that I have read on here. Sounds like the best on the market for snowmobiles. I hope to have the longevity out of my sleds that others have reported having, so I am switching to the AMS-oil to help achieve that.
i got 11k out of my viper on noting but yamalube. can't really imagine why i would run something else in it. i run xps semi synthetic in my renegade because thats what ski doo says to use. might start using yamalube in that too.
