does any one know the thickness of a good belt? mine is sucked down in the secondary it just about bottoms out and my clutch is very hot after a 10 min ride. i also just cleaned my clutch. its a 79 340 enticer. i have a clutch off a polaris 250 single cylinder i though about puting on. any thoughts on that?
Active member
Secondary is shot i would think.
try a new spring in the primary. would not hurt it to try it.
New member
I know exactly what your talking about. Way back when Yamaha was building all these sleds clutching was ,,, well it left a little to be desirred. The belt sits to low in the sec and way to much sheave to belt clearence in the dr. Dayco does publish belt width and length. I crossed ref and found a belt for a tnt that was the closest. a little wider and a touch shorter, may have to move engine back a bit.??? 4 nuts ,no big deal.
I have not tryed this belt but plan to.
I have not tryed this belt but plan to.