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My PTO side cyl lost comp and I removed the cyl. The piston and and cyl looked good and was told probably just stuck a ring but someone had mentioned to me that the crank seal could have caused this. Sled ran great last year though. Is there any way to tell that the seal is bad just looking at it or am I looking to deep into this being paranoid.
There is a reason why this cylinder lost compression.... How smoothly do the rings move in the ring lands of the piston?? I they move pretty precisely (no slop) then you may be on the edge of a lubrication problem. Meaning the it may be possible that your carb in that cylinder may be dirty and not supplying that cylinder with enough fuel and oil, or as you state that the crank seal my be on its way out. The way to check the crank seal is ultimately you'll need to repair that cylinder and start your sled and spray WD40 or carb cleaner behind the clutch with the motor running and if the pitch of the motor changes then there is your answer to if the seal is bad...
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