VIPER pipes jets gears????

Soup Dog

New member
Jan 11, 2009
Toledo OHIO
I have a 02 Viper, it has Bender pipes,Clutch kit,and the gears are not stock...I did not build this sled and have no idea who did...My question is, is anyone else running this combo in their sled???My carbs are jetted at 162.5, at a altitude of 220 ft and gearing is 24/38...I have no idea what kind of clutch kit is in it...It runs good but it sometimes falls on its face when you Nail it for a hole shot...Just cleaned the carbs yesterday...I was just wondering if this set up sounds right?? Let me know your thoughts
Thanks,Soup Dog
Soup check the clutches to ensure that they move freely and do not bind. When it idles after it is warm does it seem to load up or does the idle hang? If the idle hangs you nee to open the fuel screws more, or if it loads up at idle you either need smaller pilot jets or your fuel screws could use to be turned in a little farther. Hope this helps.
