Hooking up GPS and heated vest on an 02 Viper


New member
Dec 14, 2010
Sewell, Nj
Will I need any AC to DC converter to hook up a GPS and a heated vest on my 02 Viper or is it already wired for DC/12 volt? It is pull start, no battery...

I can’t think of any motorized vehicle that isn’t a 12 volt DC system so you don’t need any kind of a converter to power your stuff. I do think that you are going to need a battery to power that vest. The constant drain on your electrical system might be more than it can handle without have a battery to help it. Your GPS doesn’t take much power and should be ok without a battery.
The stator produces an AC current which is fed to your voltage regulator/rectifier. From there it comes out as DC. You can use the blue wire feeding the brake circuit for the GPS but not sure on the heated vest. That vest may be need alot of power.Maybe sacrificing some power from the headlight circuit might work. If the sled is an ER then I would go to the battery with a relay in between that is activated from the headlight circuit. Hooking thru the relay will help to not drain the battery while the sled is not running.
Good luck with the vest.
I have an '02 Viper too and when using a heated visor on my helmet and the head light is on High Beam the hand warmers will not stay warm.
You may be asking for more power than your Viper can produce.
what kind of jacket do you have, and where (in what conditions) are you riding in? really... a heated vest? ive never seen the need for it as long as you spend the money and get a good jacket, not any more expensive than a cheaper jacket combined with the price of the heated vest. i also think it will require alot of juice to run, i would definetely try to use a battery though, look around for the wiring and battery tray from an er, it probably wont take much to do. good luck
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I am using a Cycloak jacket made by Reima. I don't intend to use the vest all that much except after stops along the trail. My issue is that I am diabetic and once my core gets cold it is hard to warm back up. Nothung worse then being chilled to the bone on a sled 50 miles out.....

I will try without the vest next week. Although snow in the Boonville/Tug Hill area isn't looking too promising...

Thanks everyone for responding. I will try hooking the GPS up to the blue wire and see how it goes...

livewire_101proof said:
what kind of jacket do you have, and where (in what conditions) are you riding in? really... a heated vest? ive never seen the need for it as long as you spend the money and get a good jacket, not any more expensive than a cheaper jacket combined with the price of the heated vest. i also think it will require alot of juice to run, i would definetely try to use a battery though, look around for the wiring and battery tray from an er, it probably wont take much to do. good luck
