New Seals, Now Bottom End Not Oiling


New member
Nov 30, 2009
just replaced water pump and crank seals in my 98 srx, dropped the engine in, followed oil pump bleeding procceedure and took it for a ride, after about 1 mile of slow ditch testing the engine just died. grabbed the rope and she was locked tight, after about 5 minutes it cranked over fine and started right up, after about 1 minute it locked up again. seems like the bottom end is not oiling (lots of smoke at idle) checked all lines and pump adjustment,all seems o.k. NEED HELP!!

Thanks in advance.

probably shouldnt be starting it any more or ur gonna kiss all the good parts goodbye
better put some premix in there till you get it figured out! sounds like lack of coolent to me too ...make sure your o rings on head are good!
no matter what the cause is you should take that engine apart seized up so theres likely going to be some damage to something,and if theres not great . at least you will know what you got.
if she was smoking good at idle..oil is getting thru.Maybe the oil line to the pump fell off or something after..check that.If you have coolant ..did you make sure the air is out of the system,otherwise there will be no circulation going on....but your engine temp light would of come on.So something not right here.I know it can be upsetting to hear from everyone to tear her open again.Did you make sure when you assembled the crank/cases ..that you locked your bearings in the right way so the holes for oil entry lined up? I am sure you will find something not right there..something caused this to happen.I would be really pissed if it was my sled doing that after my rebuild.
When you started up your said it was smokin at idle.Did you pull the oil cable full open for a minute or two to make sure it was sucking oil..would of been a good shot of oil going into the motor then and that would be a good sign with a lot of smoke then.Good luck and am sorry to hear this.
I have taken apart MANY 2 stroke engines which stopped injecting oil. Usually caused from running out of oil. Not one seized due to lack of oil. The brgs are first to go on the crank and rod journal. But they will still turn, second is end seals, due to rotating metal debri. Third is piston gouging caused by debri being forced up into the cylinder. Anyhow if the engine seized, open it back up and check the cylinders. When you replaced the pistons, did you use OEM or Wisco? I have found OEM is the better choice as tolerances are closer and less piston expansion is found. Are you sure you bleed the entire system while testing? Good luck Al
no new pistons, only crank seals, head o rings and water pump seals, i did bleed the oil pump and coolant according to the yammi shop manual but did NOT open the injector pump wide open during first start up, engine never really got hot. ran oil pump with cordless drill (on 2 different pumps)and found almost no oil comming from the port which feeds the "gear room" no sure how mutch to expect. Thanks Guys!!!
