2 Years now my sled has itermittent power loss had at dealer for 3 weeks they could not figure it out sled will hover a3k rpm no power wont move hit the kill or choke get rpm down to 1-2k and will rev back upChange CDI cleaned carbs visually inspected wiring disconnected kill switch bypassed torsh running out of ideas
what is the problem ????? hard to read ??make sure those pilot screw are adjust correctly and carb set correctly and check for power adjustement
To me this sounds like a classic TORS issue but you say it's bypassed so that rules that out and if your positive you don't have a wiring harness rub through somewhere,you've replaced the cdi so next I'd almost say the mag should be ohmed out.If you could get your hands on a stator of the same sled to try just to rule it out before buying one that would be nice but you can find a used one in the classifieds I'm sure.
When you bypass the TORS make sure the wires are plugged back into each other.