Thanks Guys!


New member
Dec 10, 2009
Strathroy, Ontario
Well this a big thank you to all the guys that have helped me when I needed it, and who help the many other people that come here every week looking for answers.

I had to do something today that pained me to no end to do, and that was sell my Viper. It just came down to not wanting to see it sit another season when I had barely any time to ride it due to school. Had a guy come and look at it today, he liked it, and gave me cash on the spot for it. I couldnt say no.

I hope to get another Viper when I get back into snowmobiling, probably be a couple years I would think. I may buy just an old beater for a few seasons, we will see.

Anyway, thanks to everybody who has helped me. I will still be a frequent visitor to this site, and try to help in the rare occassion I can.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, ride safe and all the best in 2011!

sad to hear you had to sell her. The best part of this sport is the fact that it will always be there for you, with the best bunch of guys around. Merry Christmas and the best to you in 2011
Youll catch the fever me :2strokes:

Good luck and happy holidays! ;)!
I had gotten out of sledding 10 years ago to keep up with the endelss money taking care of my kids...I Said due to the fact sledding is so dam expensive I wouldn't ride / own again...Here I am with an wicked SRX riding every day...You'll Be Back!
Oh, don't worry, I plan on being back. Not sure if it will be next year, or the year after but I will own a sled again, and the first machine I am going to search for is a Viper.... that is of course if I dont see a deal soon on a Viper or SRX that I just can't pass up.
