Ho Ho Ho... She Runs!


New member
Dec 7, 2009
My Michigan Christmas Miracle... I did a bunch of wrenching and my sled still runs! I absolutely love my new riding position with the tall seat and bars raised/moved forward. Cmon SNOW!!!!

(I've been bombing around on my little 2 acre patch of property with no studs or wear bars and it's kind of a hoot, soon as she winds up you better be lookin for a safe place to pop the chute! :))


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sled loooks great its my twin without the boss
MattyG- Let me guess,...you kissed a tree? Does that explain the black bumper?
GibViper said:
Thanks for the plug Matt. Great looking SRX...now bring on the snow! ;)!

i know we need it im hoping to be up north the 6th...

maybe we could ride when i come to new york... and you earned the plug honest and true thats how everyone should be the seat is like BRAND NEW !!! IM SO EXCITED TO PUT IT ON!!! WHAT YEAR DID IT COME OFF OF?
Netefrog said:
MattyG- Let me guess,...you kissed a tree? Does that explain the black bumper?
LOL NO i had a black one laying around and me and my best friend and riding partner both have 2001 srx's so i wanted to be just a bit different now when i walk out of the hotel.restaurant.bar.shop.etc i know which sled to start lol
Thunder66, now take it out and watch the tach and report back what it does, and we can get the clutching dialed in for ya.
i need some clutching advice im still running the stock setup... im leaving alot on the table i need to order some weights and spring/ helix but i dont know what to get
mrviper700 said:
Thunder66, now take it out and watch the tach and report back what it does, and we can get the clutching dialed in for ya.

Thanks MRViper... I am hoping to take it out on the lake today or tomorrow, haven't got enough room in my yard to really test it
Mattyg1405, start a thread on it,(clutching help) and youll get help. No way I can or others can remember who ask what in other peoples differnt topic threads, too much stuff to read thru.
