Help! 2003 SXViper


New member
Dec 26, 2010
fort st.john, bc
I own a 2003 SXViper 700 triple 2 stroke with slp pipes and a mbrp can. I have the sled for sale and i went for one last ride with the machine, it fouled a plug so I decided that i would clean the carbourators before selling and ever since i put them back it has not worked the same. I tried the air screws at stock 1 7/8 turns out, tried at 2 turns to compisate for the pipes, also tried at 2 3/4 turns which i found them at. It will run fine for moments but always goes down on one or two plugs flooding out on random cylinders and fouling plugs. Any help would be appreciated.
sounds like more than a air screw problem but it is very hard for me to diagnose it over the internet... whats your jetting at?
how did it run before the pipes?
did you just do the pipes?
pipes have been on for a while now. First ride the year it was running fine except for the plug fouling. heads are stock. Just figured i would clean the carbs to be nice seeing it fouled the plug and got myself in a load of trouble. Now it wont run good enough to sell without trying to cover shit up.
better remove the carbs again and go back thru them, you have something set wrong or the choke cable is too tight holding the plungers off seat.
would the air screws need to be adjusted over time from wear and tear, is the 2 3/4 turn i found them at fine??? Ill rip it off again tonight and disconnect the choke to try that, its in a heated garage so it should be fine for a try.
also can the chokes be timmed because i noticed that the one closed to my clutch was out the slightest bit more than the other two meaning its open a little but i didn touch them when i cleaned the carbs.
wobblypop said:
would the air screws need to be adjusted over time from wear and tear, is the 2 3/4 turn i found them at fine??? Ill rip it off again tonight and disconnect the choke to try that, its in a heated garage so it should be fine for a try.
ive never had the air scews move on a sled...adjustment depends on elevation and how the sled is running and air temp...not as critical as one may think its not the reason your fouling plugs
So i got the choke and the basic setup of the carbs to look at the next time i take it apart. One other thing is the black covers on top of the carbs. which one is supposed to have the hose to the air bix.
wobblypop said:
So i got the choke and the basic setup of the carbs to look at the next time i take it apart. One other thing is the black covers on top of the carbs. which one is supposed to have the hose to the air bix.

umm none of them, unless the sled has a tempaflow hooked up to it. the only hose going to the airbox is the ventlines on a viper.

if theres a hose coming off the top of one of the black steel covers, you have a tempaflow on the sled or had, that could be your problem also.
well any explanation onto how that works or at least the proper carb to have the hose hooked to, didn really know i had a tempaflow but i knew there were some mods to the sled, the more i know for selling it the better and to get it running good again. I notice a few people talking about wiring issues as well on other threads. my handwarmers have been down for a year now and i tried to fix them while i had the carbs off, could i have chafed a wire or something that would cause the sled to runn porely or foul plugs
