Suspension on venture


New member
Dec 27, 2010
ont can
New here so dont want to bother you all to much. Just got this 2010 new venture RS. I notice theres almost no weight on the front skiis. If you try to do a slow turn as you touch the gas it only turns a bit as your slowing down, but the worst is lack of stability side to side . It really wants to roll onto its side, yes even on packed. I basically have to lean like its something from the late 60's. Needless to say I'm near afraid to get on the trail with momma at speed and try a corner. Can I get more stability out of this wide behemoth or is it to top heavy from motor
sooper, You'll get a quicker and more concise response by joining our other site Same ownership, different database. There is a specific forum for RS sleds there.

Viper_Dave said:
sooper, You'll get a quicker and more concise response by joining our other site Same ownership, different database. There is a specific forum for RS sleds there.


Do I ever wish I could register there without getting a spammer message all the time
strap down front of rear suspension (limiter straps),, increase ski spring rate and rear of suspension spring ,, only do one thing at a time and see the effects of each change......
Whammy said:
strap down front of rear suspension (limiter straps),, increase ski spring rate and rear of suspension spring ,, only do one thing at a time and see the effects of each change......

I got signed up at 4st forum but all they said to do was front shock on rear susp. Theres more???Why dont yamaha send you a box of parts and we all built out machines. gees
Tuning for the way you ride is really important on a new sled, the dealer does not do any of that for you when they PDI it. As suggested earlier you should tighten up the limiter straps on the front as an easy first step. This will increase your ski pressure tremendously and give you the bite you are looking for.
JOEL said:
Tuning for the way you ride is really important on a new sled, the dealer does not do any of that for you when they PDI it. As suggested earlier you should tighten up the limiter straps on the front as an easy first step. This will increase your ski pressure tremendously and give you the bite you are looking for.

Sorry to be obtuse, but I was told to loosen front track shock. Would doing that and tightening straps not defeat each other?
sooper said:
Sorry to be obtuse, but I was told to loosen front track shock. Would doing that and tightening straps not defeat each other?
I wouldn't think so. Loosening the front shock spring would make the front of the skid suspension softer and therefore increasing the pressure on the skis. By tightening the limiter straps at the front of the skid you limit how far the suspension will unload when you're on the gas, this will help you maintain pressure on the skis when you are cornering under power. Hope thats not confusing......
JOEL said:
I wouldn't think so. Loosening the front shock spring would make the front of the skid suspension softer and therefore increasing the pressure on the skis. By tightening the limiter straps at the front of the skid you limit how far the suspension will unload when you're on the gas, this will help you maintain pressure on the skis when you are cornering under power. Hope thats not confusing......

No I got ya. Thank you
