New member
Finally some snow. I pulled the sleds out of the trailer and they started ok. When I opened the choke on the viper it slowly dies out. It seem to run ok with the choke on. This happens even while I am driving around the yard. The valves were cleaned and adjusted at the end of the season last year and it was running fine. I also seem to have some oil dripping out of the end of the slide where the cable enters on the drive side cylinder. looking for some type of trouble shooting guide so I don't do too many useless gyrations.
Thanks for any help.

Thanks for any help.
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need the carbs cleaned pilot jets r dirty.
Clean your carbs!
New member
i had a sled that did the same and one of my carb boots was cracked so it was getting to much air. Id still agree with cleaning carbs but check em out when the carbs are off.
New member
Thanks for the reply's. Looks like I'm pulling the carbs again. I may not have been a through as I should have been.
check the pilot circuit .....unscrew the pilot jet and check closely
the pilot jets have to be REMOVED from the carbs, and cleaned. You should be able to see light thru it when pointing it towards the light source. I also always make sure to stick the little plastic spray nozzle hose in the pilot jet orfice in carb, and spray the cleaner making sure it comes out the fuel screw bleed hole in the front throat of the carb, so you insure the circuit is open.
What he said . . .mrviper700 said:...stick the little plastic spray nozzle hose in the pilot jet orfice in carb, and spray the cleaner making sure it comes out the fuel screw bleed hole in the front throat of the carb...
I recommend learning the path of all fuel circuits in whatever carbs you have. They are really quite simple and can be found on the web. Then when you clean the carbs, you can simply check each path with the directed spray of carb cleaner to ensure that it is clear of any obstructions. The flow needs to be steady and appropriate for the size of the passage. Takes only a few seconds for each one.
This becomes more important as we age and vision diminishes. For myself, I can no longer visually inspect jets without a lot of light and magnification.
Active member
Seems like the pilots clog every year....I agree with them....