Deal.. or no deal

snopax said:
Is skip it at that price, you could find a 2000 or later for 2200
thats what I was thinking as well ..

On another note.. What are some good places to buy sled parts/accessories online?? I need new grips, a riser, elements, belts etc etc

eventually a new track and sliders
I dont think the 98-99 sleds are bad at all, its just once you ride at night with a 2000-02 srx the differance between being able to see and what feels like the sled is over running how far the headlight shines on the old 98-99 makes a big differance. ;)!

Prices this year seem to be staying pretty steady and 98-99's are in the $1700-2000 range, seen the 2000-02 going for low $2000-2800 depending on yr and mileage.

really either way any year srx is a hit and a dang good sled. :2strokes:
going to look at this tomorrow .. Worst case scenario.. How much Is a new motor for this, Or to have it all rebuilt if something were to happen
No worries on a Viper at 4700 miles. Many on the forum see 7500 miles easily on these on the original rings. Sled looks clean to me.

I've got a buddy with 8,500 on and SXR 600 (non-powervalve) and his can almost run with my Viper, and he's never been into his motor.
