Idle hang?


New member
Jan 23, 2008
fdl wi
Hey guys I'm wondering if it's normal for the idle to hang for a short bit and then slowly drop? It does this after long periods of running it. I also noticed that when it's idleing high and I flip the choke on, I wait till the Rpms drop to normal the shut the choke off and it idles normal! Been doing this for the last two years, just seeing if you guys notice this? 2001 srx sled
Thats a idle hang alright. 2 things to try. Turn out you fuel screws a bit. See where their at now, If at stock try 2 turns or even 2 1/4. Next your can try to turn the idle down a bit. My piped viper has a nasty idle hang, i run the fuel screws at 2 turns and keep the idle about 1200 and it does not hang at all. A idle hang is a lean condition, so when you blip the choke it gives it a shot of gas which brings down the idle. It is a comon problem. Do a search on it lots of info. CCC
Someone is going to say this so I might as well. Have you cleaned your carbs? It will add to your problem if you have crap in the Pilot jets holes. You have to make sure they are sqeeky! Super1c is right on with his suggestions, i have been chasing this for a while these things like to hang a little it seems. Good luck!
I run Premium fuel and keep carbs clean.But after like 400 miles on the motor,the other day the idle started to climb.So took carbs out and found 2 pilots basically plugged.And this is with good fuel,no ethanol yet..I put in 45 pilots now and will adjust the fuel screws to 1 1/2 to start.Today's fuel out there just can't be trusted anymore..... :o|
Check your crank seals too. I've had them go bad and had a nasty idle hang on my first srx. Spray a little carb cleaner behind the primary and listen if the idle gets higher.
