New here... want to pick your brain!


New member
Dec 25, 2010
Newton, NH

I just signed up for this forum and it is by far the best SRX forum around. anyway I have some questions about simple upgrades. I've Been reading about clutch springs and weights but im not sure what I should be going for. I do mostly trail riding with the occasional lake session. Im not even sure if this is something I should do and thats why I ask you seasoned srx riders what you recommend.

I am running into a issue when I go to load the sled on the trailer the carbides bring me to a crazy stop. any easy fixes for this or replace the skis?

last season

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there is a multitude of info/setups for clutches in the tech section. i still haven't got through the bulk of it. if you're haveing the loading problem on a tilt deck trailer one thing we always did was keep a short piece of plywood the width of a sled in the trailer for a little ramp. saved a lot of wear on the edge of the trailer deck and made for smoother loading.
i always grind the edge of the carbide if its flat in the front ive bought a set of carbides that where flat and caught on anything in the front... but you need a special grinding wheel to do so...
There's a few companies that make glides for trailer/ramps to cure this issue too but if you have an old truck box liner lying around or know where you can get one cheap just cut a couple of lengths and screw it to your trailer deck,VOILA.
mattyg1405 said:
i always grind the edge of the carbide if its flat in the front ive bought a set of carbides that where flat and caught on anything in the front... but you need a special grinding wheel to do so...

Im gonna take a look at that when I get home...
My Viper would do the same thing so I cut a piece of plywood (same width of skiis) with a small stop-block underneath the plywood that wedges against the lip on the trailer. Drive right on, works like a charm. ;)!
I use a set of old ski skins that were used on older sled and put them under the skis before loading in my enclosed trailor.
GibViper said:
My Viper would do the same thing so I cut a piece of plywood (same width of skiis) with a small stop-block underneath the plywood that wedges against the lip on the trailer. Drive right on, works like a charm. ;)!

x2, thats what we did. but the stop block sounds like a major improvment. i like it.
