SRX vs Viper clutching


New member
Jan 4, 2010
Just wanna say what a great forum this is, i read just about every day and just take in all the general good to know knowledge there is on here not to mention the stuff to make my viper a top question this time is will srx clutch setup's work on a viper, they seem to have similar target rpm's and the clutch are the same so when i read srx setup's in the tech section is it right to assume that they might help on my viper???...i am currently having a problem w/ over rev to around 9100, new belt, clean clutches, ok traction, pink secondary stock helix 60 deg wrap i believe, www primary i believe w/ stock weights, ive been lookin at getting into some HC 41-10's red spring, and a 48/42ish helix with a green spring, 250 lb rider aggressive trail
exactly my question, it is all stock motor wise so i take it srx setup's wont work cuz that is a setup off the tech page
Clutching on a 117 hp sled will not even be close on a 145 hp sled. The srx clutching is wayyy more aggressive to harness the hp. A piped Viper & srx clutching is kinda close.
I see now that those primary weights are usually run w/ piped vipers, i guess i missed that before
get the h/c's they work very well on a single pipe viper. When you get them find a 48/36 helix and will get you set up and dialed in, this makes a giant differance in the way the sled runs, youll be happy!
the h/cs come with a differnt primary spring, you can reuse your stock red spring in the secondary clutch.
I just saw a add in the classifieds for a set of h/cs brand new from a member. For the helix try and find a dalton, its what I try to use the most times and are good cuts.

you want the 40-10 weight set from h/c. this one will work just great

here it is:
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