Ice Scratchers


New member
Jan 12, 2005
Does anyone use these? I see that most are mounted on the rail, however Hartman offers a ski mounted version. Their argumnet is this is the only way to throw ice on to the entire suspension, which sounds reasonable. The $57 for the kit seems a bit step though.
Any thoughts?
had Hartman's mounted on the skis... loved them... then I backed up without first lifting them.... bust both off clean... then I bought replacemnet springs from Hartman.. loved them all over again... swore by them.... then I backed up without first lifting them... bust them both off clean... never replaced them again... I swear by them... but please get the tj
i use the tunnell mounted ones..they work well too..up out of sight when not in use
I have the rail mounted ones.,plus the Simmons ski's also have a snow the SRX gets plenty of snow and ice chips.It is just a white out behind me when riding..but that is the guy's riding behind
There worth it, they make a lot of difference. The cable ones would be ideal if you use reverse a lot, but I've heard that they don't work as well as the wire ones. Many of the mountain riders out here are removing their bogey wheels and just run the scratchers when riding the trail in to where ever they hillclimb and boondock, the bogeys aren't needed for the hyfaxes when riding in powder.
bluemonster1 said:
I have the rail mounted ones.,plus the Simmons ski's also have a snow the SRX gets plenty of snow and ice chips.It is just a white out behind me when riding..but that is the guy's riding behind

....It may become your problem too when buddy behind you can't see your tail light. I almost got rear ended last night like that trying to avoid someone else who had hit a wash out.
The cabe ones are much better than the others when it comes to backing up. They do not scratch up as much snow, but they do it decent enough. With a 2 1/4 track no one is too close behind me, as it rains 1in ice chunks 100ft behind the sled on the trail.
caution to ice scratchers. I put pair on to stabilizer bar on my 2011 Apex SE and after 170 miles on lake running, one cable disintegrated. They don't do well at speeds. Also the bottom of my tunnel looks like someone took ball peen hammar to it. The scratchers should have rubber padding on tip to stop tunnel damage. On the lake after hitting frozen slush, they were bouncing . They work well at slower speeds. We need a process to remove and only use as required .Needless to say I'm not happy with my tunnel damage on my premium $ Snowmobile .This is supposed be a proven Yamaha Accessory which I waited 3 months to get last year.
I'm putting a set of RSI scratchers on my new suspension, we'll see how they are. I have a set of bogeys removed, so hopefully this will be enough lube for my hyfax. I don't have reverse to worry about.
I dont have any idler wheels, hyfax are fine. My only problem with hyfax wear was a 6 mile stretch of no snow, and not enough gas to go around a different way. The sleds that had idlers needed hyfax as well.
Look on the 4-stroke side. I don't have time at the moment to search it, but its a good one for home made ski mounted type.
I installed RSI Ice scratchers on my skies. Didn't have room on my rails.

Works excellent since I don't have a reverse. lol
Only thing if I go in heavy snow some snow will fluff up on the hood from the bolt sticking out on the side of the ski. My father with his higher venture RS doesn't have this fluff problem but did back up once with them...
